Roel Wijnants / Flickr
Stonehenge, not the United Kingdom
Wooden piles of the neolithic era intrigue archaeologists, looking for connections with the iconic UK monument.
There are 45 piles of wood, organized in a circle with a diameter of about 30 meters.
“It’s a unique find in life,” said Sidsel Wahlin, conservation of the city’s Vesthimmerland museum, in an email sent to AFP to which he had access.
In the city of Aars, the structures, separated from each other by two meters, were only discovered due to the accomplishment of works to build a Residential neighborhood.
It began to be a Bronze Age village (1700-1500 BC), with a grave of a boss and a sword. But archaeologists were surprised to discover these structures, which will date from about 2000 AC
“When my colleague and I opened a new section of the excavation, which we thought was a house and some fences quickly revealed to be the entrance area of a slightly ovalvery well planned. ”
According to the researchers, this circle “points to a strong connection with the British Henge world,” they explain, in reference to the UK’s intriguing monument Stonehengebuilt between 3,100 and 1,600 BC that continues today
According to experts, ceramics and graves found on site suggest the influence of other peoples.
The team is now trying to find out if there is a inner circle in the archaeological site of Aars.
This Monday, archaeologists begin new investigations at the site to also try to find “ritual deposits” such as arrow tips and slexo daggers.