After a very rainy Monday, in which the historical precipitation records for March in areas such as Castellón were pulverized, where more than 200 liters per square meter fell ,. Throughout the day, showers are taking place in large areas and, especially in the Valencian Community, where more than 1,600 centers in 178 municipalities have suspended classes, and in southern Tarragona. Strong showers are also being registered in nearby areas such as Southeast Teruel and South of Tarragona, in Western Andalusia and one more day, in the Canary Islands, where it is also snowing on the summits of Tenerife and La Palma. “They may be again strong rains, accompanied locally of storm, in these areas and in the Mediterranean area, although in this case the persistence will be more significant. The 100 liters per square meter can be exceeded in less than 12 hours in the south of Valencia and northern Alicante, ”says Rubén del Campo, spokesman for the State Meteorology Agency (Aemet).
In which it goes during the day,: 27 liters have been collected in the Roque de los Muchos (Santa Cruz de Tenerife) and in the port of Navacerrada. The accumulated top ten is copied by points of this region and Tenerife. In the archipelago, because there are flooded clues. In the west of the Peninsula, on the other hand, the day is being quieter and “the snow will be relegated to the summits because the level will be located above 1,600 to 2,200 meters according to the areas.” The reason is that temperatures will be higher than the day before. : The Valencian Community is in orange – the second level of a three -scale scale; Canary Islands, in yellow – the minimum – for rain and snow; Andalusia, in yellow by rain, storms and bad sea; Aragon, yellow by rain; and Catalonia, yellow by rain and bad sea.
⚠️ Special notice | Very strong and persistent showers
→ The greatest adversity will take place in the Mediterranean and areas of Andalusia.
→ in the Canary Islands they will less from Wednesday; In the rest they will remain much of the week.
– Aemet (@aemet_esp)
On Monday, the maximum, in Malaga and Community Valencian, 108 in Segorbe and 85 in Castellfort, three localities of Castellón, where the most adverse phase of the storm will be produced from this Tuesday afternoon until Thursday. In unofficial observatories of AVAMET ,. In addition, they fell into the top ten of older accumulated of observatories of the Aemet 71 liters in Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz), 66 in Llíria (Valencia) and 63 in San Rafael (Segovia). These days, numerous daily rain records are beating for the month of March, with 39.2 liters.
And the rest of the week will continue to raise. He WednesdayA new increase in instability around the peninsular end is expected, with strong or very strong showers in eastern Albacete and the provinces of Almería and Murcia. Instability will be maintained in Malaga, Western Andalusia and, above all, in the Valencian Community and South of Tarragona, with the largest accumulated in the provinces of Valencia and Castellón, where 100 liters are expected to exceed 12 hours and 150 in 24 hours.
Although with lower intensities, important accumulated in the central system are also expected. Only the extreme north will fight the umbrella. “In the extreme north rainfall will be less likely and significant rains are not expected those days in the islands of Mallorca and Menorca,” says the meteorologist. On the notice map, on Wednesday, to which Andalusia will be added, also in yellow per bad sea. Aragon, Castilla y León, Community of Madrid and Murcia will have yellow by rain; Castilla and La Mancha, for rain and wind; and Catalonia, by rain and bad sea.
He Thursdaystrong and persistent rainfall is likely to also reach the north of the Iberian system and the northeast peninsular end, with those accumulated in southern Tarragona, exceeding, as in Castellón and Valencia, the 100 liters in 12 hours. These two provinces, the agency specifies, “could exceed 400 liters” from the beginning of the storm, on Monday. Is it a lot? A lot, but.
There will be another day and, again after Monday, in Catalonia. In rainy yellow will be Aragon, Castilla y León and Community of Madrid, while Balearic Islands will have yellow by bad sea and Navarra, by wind. Temperatures will not experience important changes those two days nor will the snow level, which will remain high.
“Instability will continue from Friday with the arrival of an Atlantic storm,” announces meteorology. Although the uncertainty is increasing, today the most likely scenario draws as areas most affected by the rains the northeast peninsular, the central system, the southwest peninsular, the area of the Strait and Galicia, where they would be locally strong and persistent again.
“On Friday there will still be strong and/or persistent rainfall in Tarragona and Castellón, less intense in the rest of the Valencian Community, but which would continue to add to the rest of the episode,” adds the Aemet. In the Canary Islands, from the end of this Tuesday the rains will tend to lose intensity.