Learn how to save on buying a gas billion without having to go to Spain

by Andrea
Learn how to save on buying a gas billion without having to go to Spain

Over the past few weeks it has been written in the press about the price difference between a gas billion in Portugal and Spain. What is certain is that almost half of the Portuguese families depends on the cylinder gas for their daily lives and, in Portugal, the value of a billion is twice as much as that is practiced in the neighboring country.

Those who live near the border have a habit of going to Spain to buy gas cylinders, although there are restrictions on their purchase. It is that an official source of the Portuguese Association for Consumer Protection (Deco) has advanced to the polygrade that “the only certainty is that individuals can carry up to two butane bottles in their car for private use”, even if “particular caution” is recommended.

The Spanish state regulates the price of gas every three months

However, those who do not live in a short distance from Spain have to buy their gas numbers in Portugal. The price is actually higher than in the country of “numbers hermanos” because a higher tax load in Portugal is applied on cylinder gas, but what determines the great price difference between the billets in both countries is that the price of the gas is regulated by the Spanish state every three months.


Even subject to buying your cylinder gas in Portugal because of your geographical location, there is a way to save when buying your billion. This is because the first time you buy a gas billion, in addition to having to pay for the gas, you will also have to pay a certain amount for the cylinder. This additional value is called the gas bottle bond.

Return the gas billion used to save

The value of the gas bottle security can be recovered if it takes your empty billion as you buy a new one. The value of the gas bottle bond varies depending on its size and underlines it that it “acts as an incentive for consumers to return the used gas cylinder (empty), ensuring due reuse and, thus contributing to circular economy”.

If you do not return the used billion when buying a new one, you will even have to pay once again the security, which translates into a greater investment when purchasing your cylinder.

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