Learn the simple trick that reduces the light bill by 25% when using the microwave

by Andrea
Learn the simple trick that reduces the light bill by 25% when using the microwave

The microwave is one of the most commonly used appliances in Portuguese kitchens, being a practical option to heat meals and cook certain foods. However, many people do not know that a simple gesture can reduce power consumption up to 25%, helping to lower the electricity account at the end of the month.

The trick to save energy when using the microwave

According to energy efficiency experts, plugging food while being heated in the microwave can increase the effectiveness of heating and, consequently, reduce the time required to achieve the desired temperature.

By covering foods with a microwave cap or placing another plate on top, the heat is distributed more efficiently, avoiding losses and accelerating the process. This means that the appliance works less time, spending less electricity.

According to agency for energy (ADENE) recommendations, this practice not only helps reduce the time of use of the microwave, but also improves the quality of food heating, avoiding cold or overheat zones.

Other tricks to save energy when using the microwave

In addition to covering food, there are other simple practices that can contribute to greater energy efficiency when using this appliance:

Heat multiple foods at the same time: If possible, heat more than a simultaneous dish using microwave supports.

Avoid opening the door during operation: Whenever the microwave door is open, part of the accumulated energy is lost and the device has to work harder to compensate.

Use appropriate powers: For foods that need more time to warm, the ideal is to use medium powers, thus avoiding unnecessary spikes of consumption.

Turn off the microwave from the outlet when not in use: Like other appliances, the microwave consumes energy even in Standby.


Turning it off the outlet can avoid the so-called “ghost consumption”, which represents about 5 to 10% of the energy consumed in a house throughout the year, according to the regulatory entity of energy services ().

Impact on the electricity bill

Although microwave consumption may seem insignificant compared to other appliances, such as the electric oven or washing machine, small changes in its use can translate into considerable savings over time.

For example, an 800 watt microwave used 15 minutes per day may represent an average annual cost of 25 to 30 euros on the light bill.

Reducing this consumption by 25%, annual savings can reach 7 to 8 euros, a value that can make a difference when combined with other energy efficiency measures.


Purchasing food when using the microwave is a simple trick that improves the efficiency of heating, reduces the opening time and, consequently, lower electricity consumption.

Also, avoiding ghost consumption and correctly using available powers are practices that contribute to greater energy savings.

At a time when the cost of electricity continues to rise, adopting small efficiency habits can make a big difference in the planet’s monthly invoice and sustainability.

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