Lula makes first visit of the mandate to a MST settlement

by Andrea

President will travel to Quilombo Campo Grande with the objective of bringing together the government to members of the Landless Rural Workers Movement, as well as finding ways to reduce the price of food

Ton Molina/PhotoAna/Estadão Content
MST is one of the historical supporters of the Workers Party (PT)

The president He is preparing for a significant visit to the Quilombo Campo Grande settlement, located in the municipality of Campo do Meio, Minas Gerais, next Friday (7). This settlement is part of the a group that has expressed criticism of the government, especially in relation to the Minister of Agrarian Development, Paulo Teixeira. The visit of Lula’s main objective is to make the government of the MST members, one of the historical supporters of the Workers Party (PT).

The MST has challenged the government’s figures on land reform. At the end of last year, Minister Paulo Teixeira stated that about 70,000 families were attended with land reform in the last 12 months. However, the MST claims that there are still about 100,000 families awaiting care. This discrepancy in numbers has been a point of tension between movement and government, and Lula’s visit is seen as an attempt of pacification and dialogue.

In addition to seeking pacification with the MST, Lula’s visit has a second crucial goal: to find ways to reduce the price of food. Inflation has been one of the main concerns of the Planalto Palace, being pointed out as the main responsible for the fall in presidential approval throughout the country. The president intends to mobilize rural producers, starting with family farming, to reduce inflationary pressure and thus improve the country’s economic situation.

*With information from André Aneli

*Report produced with the aid of AI


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