In these times, in which The large -scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia is “an existential threat” for Europeno EU state can be sought alone, and security must be financed with union funds, not only looking at the threat that comes from the east, also to those of the south. Are the main ideas that The Government has transmitted This Monday at President of the European Commission, Úrsula von der Leyenin the face of the next White Paper that, at the middle of the European military crossroads, is in preparation. Spain supports the beginning of a European defense federalization.
The Government has sent Von der Leyen, an informal document, of the so -called “non paper”, which sets the Spanish perspective on the strategic dosier that The Commission will present on March 19 With the White Book Title for the future of European Defense, and that the heads of State and Government must formally adopt in the European Council planned for June.
June is also the month in which the call to be more crucial summit in NATO history will be held in The Hague. But much earlier, this Thursday, a transcendental summit meets, in this European case and to talk about the defense of Ukraine.
“Existential threat”
The Spanish document inscribes an increase in the qualification on the war that Ukraine suffers. If for three years it has been branded illegal invasion, which breaks international order, Now Spain also “recognizes that Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine is An existential threat and is intimately linked to European security. ”
The role set by the Spanish position asks for that security is considered a European public goodassuming that no Member State can guarantee its protection alone. The Spanish Executive contemplates the validity of the Atlantic Alliance, despite its current instability: “It is necessary to work in a concerted manner at the community level / EU In the framework of NATO And in alliances with friendly countries, ”says the note sent to von der Leyen.
NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte, with the president of the European Commission, Úrsula von der Leyen, last Sunday at the London Summit. In front of them, the host, Keir Starmer, British Prime Minister / NATO Archives
Spain asks not to look only at the east, but in 360 degrees. This circular vision covers not only the territorial, but also the thematic. That is, the Spanish perspective is that the EU must ensure its safety in the eastern flank while looking at the “southern neighborhood.” It is a proposal repeatedly defended by the Minister of Defense, Margarita Roblesin international forums and since 2022 by Pedro Sánchez At the NATO Summit in Madrid.
The holistic vision of the defense proposed by the document, includes go “beyond purely military issues and capacities definition, also addressing other security aspects, such as resilience, response to climatic crises or the critical reinforcement of transport and also energy infrastructure. ”
The European rearmament cannot rest on the budgetary shoulders of each EU country in particular, it follows from the document. Spain proposes as “priority” than the Next European Plurianual Financial Framework “Count sufficient funds to finance security”in addition to other priorities “within the future Competitiveness Fund what the commission plans ”.
In terms of innovation and manufacture of armament and defense systems, the Spanish position revolves around end “with fragmentation” through the “creation of economies of scale”. It is an allusion does not express the problem of the diversity of Combat systems from Europe that do not understand each otherthat are not interoperable, and also to thejoint purchases of material as a lesson that have been learning union and the United Kingdom during these three years of contributions to the resistance of Ukraine.
For this, Spain proposes “Strengthen the industrial base of European defense”but “preserving that it is for the benefit of all EU member states”, in a concept of “equilibrio regional”. Or, what is the same, should not rest all investment and production in the French, Italian, British and German giants.
It is about creating joint platforms in which the Small and medium enterprises. Spain, like other western countries, has its own attempt to promote industrial networks in projects such as 8×8 Dragon Combat Vehiclein which -despite its controversial delivery problems -, a consortium of four major firms commissioned more than 400 suppliers in an axis that covers from Trubia (Asturias) to Alcalá de Guadaíra (Sevilla) passing through Madrid.
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