The Etarra Xavier Zabalo re -entry in prison after an appeal of the Prosecutor’s Office | Spain

by Andrea

The Etarra Xavier Zabalo, which in several parts of the country, has re -enabled in prison after the National Court Prosecutor’s Office has appealed the resolution of the Ministry of Justice of the Basque Government that granted him the third degree. The Public Ministry presented allegations to understand that this decision (dated February 18) arrived too soon, since the terrorist “has only enjoyed the date of ordinary permits of two days, being pending approval of its first six -day permit” and because “although it shows a favorable attitude in the process of criminal assumption, it must deepen this aspect.”

According to legal sources, the mere presentation of the appeal by the prosecutor Carlos García-Berro implies that the granting of the third grade is suspended. Therefore, according to Saree, the ETA prisoners support group, Zabalo returned to prison on Monday. The Central Court of Penitentiary Surveillance of the National Court must now resolve on the bottom of the matter.

García-Berro, who for decisions in summaries related to the terrorist band, is the same prosecutor who asks for more than five years in prison for the. This Tuesday, the Sare collective has lashed out at its decision to resort to the third degree of Zabalo. “After a year, we are again before a grade regression. Given this, we ask ourselves, once again, for the sense that the decision taken by the Jail Board and its professionals has to resort to Madrid. Based on what the decision is made to resort to something that the center professionals understand as favorable and that also implies Xabier’s imprisonment through an immediate procedure?


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