The Portuguese obeyed because they were very afraid. In the next pandemic it will not be like this, warns Graça Freitas

by Andrea
The Portuguese obeyed because they were very afraid. In the next pandemic it will not be like this, warns Graça Freitas

Miguel A. Lopes / Lusa

The Portuguese obeyed because they were very afraid. In the next pandemic it will not be like this, warns Graça Freitas

The Director-General of Health, Graça Freitas

Former Director-General of Health, who decorated many dates related to Covid-19, leaves warning about the behavior of society.

Graça Freitaswho has warned that we will have “sure” and that this will be “much more complex”, also left warnings about the Behavior of society.

More than the social frictions and divergent opinions it had already commented, the former Director of Health provides for another type of reaction when a new indication of confinement appears.

Because the world is also more complex: “It does not seem to me to accept it with the same bonomia, with the same ability to participate“.

“There is greater preparation, we have already passed a pandemic, but everything will be so fast, with so many interactions, that it will be harder to manage. AND a pandemic is not generated without the civic participation of citizens“He pointed out, on the radio.

Graça Freitas believes that this part of human management will be “more complicated”even with greater preparation for governments and agencies.

The former DGS leader, who even decorated several dates related to the beginning of COVID-19, recalls that in this pandemic there was a phase of “much acceptance” regarding confinements.

“People initially accepted very well. We were all very afraid. Here was the fear factor. But when there is a tiredness (and the state of emergency was renewed), it was a long time, ”he recalled.

“Despite everything, it went well,” summarizes Graça Freitas.

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