Governors much better rated than the once king of popularity Luiz Inácio da Silva (PT) is, as it reminds me, something unheard of in our political scene. That’s what showed the one released last week.
Considering approval rates, in São Paulo loses to (Republicans); in Rio, from 35% to 42% for Claudio Castro (PL); in Minas, from 35% to 62% for Romeu Zema (Novo); in Paraná, from 30% to 81% for Ratinho Júnior (PSD); In Rio Grande do Sul, it loses 33% to 62% for Eduardo Leite (PSDB); In Goiás, 28% to 86% for Ronaldo Caiado (Union).
In the two largest electoral colleges in the Northeast, Lula ties on the margin of error with Raquel Lyra (PSD), from Pernambuco, and is behind Bahia Jerônimo Rodrigues (PT) approved by 61% to 47% for the president.
With the exception of Goiás, where the difference is most striking, in the quoted states will be defined the result of 2026, according to Felipe Nunes, from the Quaest Institute. From this perspective, the picture would be disastrous for Lula if surveys now were worth as a faithful portrait of the next election.
They reveal worrying, but not irreversible. First, because a precise comparison cannot be made between the performance of local rulers and the head of the nation on the effects of inflation.
In addition, in the election off -season there is less contradictory in the regional level. There the ideological clash tends to be in the background in relation to the national scenario. In this, the focus – for good and for evil – is in the figure of the President of the Republic.
Therefore, all this is for now, even because there are still the ingredients to be added by the circumstances over which there is no control in projections.
In Brazilian politics everything can change in 15 minutes, which will say in just over a year and a half. Or 12 months, if we consider the beginning of April 2026, the date of the unintentionis of governors interested in the plain to the Planalto.
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