When the time comes to travel by plane there are many factors to be careful, especially if only traveling with a handbag. One of the care to be going through the liquids that will take with it in the cabin. They say the rules that can only be accompanied by liquids and gel in containers that do not have a capacity of more than 100 milliliters.
In addition, all the liquids that take with them have to be transported in transparent plastic bags and there is the limit of a plastic bag per person. This means that there are liquids with less than 100 milliliters that can be refused when passing the safety of the airport, if they no longer fit the only transparent plastic bag that each person can carry.
Liquid baby food can be transported in the booth
Anyway, know that there are some exceptions to the rule and there is a way to bring liquids with more than 100 milliliters in the aircraft cabin. If you have baby food in your hand luggage, as well as necessary medicines during the flight, they will not be refused when it comes to safety at the airport.
Already after passing through the x-ray area, you can buy liquids in the various airport stores and take them with you inside the plane. Liquids and gel you buy after ticket or passport control or on board will be packed and sealed as required by store staff.
Note, however, that the seal is valid during the period of one day and, if it makes a scale and has to change its plane, cannot tear or remove the seal until it reaches its final destination.
New restrictions came into force in 2006
Advances the document published on the website of the restrictions related to liquid transportation were implemented after the arrest of suspects of terrorism in the UK in August 2006. “It is thought that the suspects would be involved in a conspiracy to destroy aircraft using liquid explosives,” the same document.
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