Tok & Stok founders can buy Mobly for $ 84 mi

by Andrea

Retail and decorations company discloses document with the intention of proposal of R $ 0.68 per share, below the last closing value

The furniture sector company released this Monday (3.mar.2025) a document that details a proposal for the intention to purchase shares by the Dubrule family, founders of, company of the same branch.

The text states that the operation aims to sell 122.8 million shares for R $ 0.68 each. The amount of the total transaction would be around R $ 83.5 million. Read the relevant fact disclosed to the market (PDF – 296 KB).

The cost per action is less than the closure of the paper in the stock market on Friday (28.FEV), when it was R $ 1.39.

The offer was made by the couple Régis and Ghislaine Dubrule, founders of Tok & Stok, and Paul Jean Marie Dubrule.

Mobly’s text states that the potential buyers will disclose the announcement with the terms of the operation. Despite the initial determination of the number of shares, the value can be “Due to modifications in the company’s capital.”

In technical terms, the procedure is an OPA (public offering of actions). It is performed when a company wants to leave the bag. In practice, it is the opposite of the IPO (initial public offering, in the acronym in Portuguese) – standard procedure to enter the.

“Potential offers are convinced that OPA’s success will benefit Mobly, Tok & Stok and all stakeholders”says Mobly in the relevant fact.

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