Ventura asks the PCP to remove censorship motion – which was presented why?

by Andrea
Stampede in Chega. Half of the councilors elected in 2021 abandoned the party

Eduardo Costa / Lusa

Ventura asks the PCP to remove censorship motion - which was presented why?

André Ventura, President of Arri

If document advances, arrives will refrain and Il will not vote for either. The “immense fear” of the elections in the middle of this case.

The leader of Arri asked this Monday to PCP To remove the, which he considered to be “a freight”, so that the government present a motion of trust, the “only way to clarify” the political situation.

Speaking to journalists at the party headquarters in Lisbon, André Ventura indicated that the arrival will refuse In the vote of the censorship motion presented by the PCP, if it maintains the same text. If the PCP changes the fundamentals of the motion and “censor the behavior of the Prime Minister”, “there will be support”he said.

“O PCP is making a huge freight to the government”, Accused the president of the arrival, appealing to the communists to withdraw the initiative, so that Parliament makes“ the discussion that is necessary ”, that is, the confidence motion presented by the government.

André Ventura considered that the prime minister knows that “the only way to clarify” if it is able to continue in office “is to present a confidence To Parliament, it is to ask Parliament if you still trust him. ”


The liberal initiative (IL) also won’t vote for of the document announced by the communists.

The party president said on Monday that IL will not vote in favor of the PCP’s censorship motion to the government, for political disagreements, but refused to say by the will choose to vote against or abstention.

“The fundamental reasons that the PCP presents are not those that the liberal initiative subscribes. I will not communicate the sense of vote, but I am sure – because I want to discuss this with the parliamentary group in the next few hours -, surely we will not vote for this censorship motion, this is a given objective in the face of the content and in the face of total divergence What we have from this foundation, ”said Rui Rocha.

The IL leader, who spoke to journalists after teaching a financial literacy class at the University of Minho campus in Guimarães, Braga district, claimed that the PCP censorship motion, as well as issues related to the Prime Minister’s conduct in the case of the Spinumviva family business, has a political foundation contrary to what his party defends.

“There We are on the opposite side of the PCPTherefore, we cannot vote favorably something we do not agree with at all (…). An example: PCP understands that TAP should not be privatized, the liberal initiative understands that it must be totally privatized, AD seems to be halfway with partial privatization and it is not known when, ”said Rui Rocha.

Asked if he does not vote favorably the PCP’s censorship motion means being with this government, the president of IL refuted this idea.

The liberal initiative has never been next to AD. We refused to go to AD’s pre-election coalition, refused to join the AD government, we were always very critical. Obviously, at times, also for the stability of the country, it is necessary to give some benefit of the doubt. Now, I believe that the benefit of doubt and the state of grace, if ever had, of the Prime Minister, this ended, ”said Rui Rocha.

Even without voting in favor, the liberal leader thinks Luís Montenegro approached the end of the line and that came out of this situation “Much more fragile”.


As is enough and Il, the PS has also announced that it will not vote in favor of the motion of censorship. Therefore, the Document already has announced lead – Even with the appeal of the parliamentary leader of the PCP, Paula Santos, who asked the PS to “stop giving the government the hand”.

In this interview with TSF, the deputy rejected the idea that the PCP bit the bait Launched by Luís Montenegro on Saturday night, when with a motion of trust.

Officially, the PCP’s announcement of Paulo Raimundo with a “propaganda action” of the Prime Minister, the “agenda to the service of large capital, attack on rights and public services, worsening exploitation and injustice”. And complains of a “science of problems” in the country, since Montenegro began to lead the government.

But Mafalda Prata Fernandes sees another priority of the communists of this document: “The PCP is very afraid of elections ”.

Why? Because presenting this document was synonymous with “making life easier” by Luís Montenegro and the government. Because, with a motion of censorship, for the government no longer makes sense to present the motion of trust.

Incidentally, Finance Minister Joaquim Miranda Sarmento has already announced on Sunday that the rejection of “two motions of censorship” means that “Parliament understands that the government can continue to rule.”

Translating: The motion of trust would almost certainly be splash and the government would fall, making room for new early elections in principle. But the censorship, being rejected, allows the continuity of this government.

I.e, No elections – and the PCP apparently thanks.

“It was an act of defense of the PCP, which Want to avoid elections at all costs. And also Help Pedro Nuno Santos To avoid elections, ”analyzed politics expert on the radio.

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