After all, the government’s confidence motion can advance the same

by Andrea
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António Cotrim / Lusa

After all, the government's confidence motion can advance the same

Miranda Sarmento, Pedro Duarte and Luís Montenegro during plenary session

Minister Pedro Duarte’s warning during Tuesday’s leaders conference. Today is a day of debate and voting of the PS’s censorship motion.

The Assembly of the Republic discusses and votes today, Wednesday, the PCP censorship motion to the government. A document that will be failed after the PS has announced that it does not intend to make it viable.

This will be the second motion of censorship to the government of Luís Montenegro that the Assembly of the Republic will debate and vote in less than two weeks considering that, on 21 February, one of the arrival was discussed, with the votes against all parties, except the PCP (which turned) and the proponent, which voted favorably.

The motion, with the title “Locking national degradation by an alternative policy of progress and development”it was announced by the PCP after the Prime Minister, Luís Montenegro, made a statement to the country on Saturday night in which he admitted to advance with a motion of confidence to the government if the opposition parties did not clarify whether the executive “has conditions to continue to execute” his program.

On the night that Montenegro did this, Paulo Raimundo announced this motion of censorship.

And the motion of trust?

The next day, Sunday, the Minister of State and Finance, Miranda Sarmento, said that “There is no justification” for the government to present a motion of trustif the censorship motion announced by the PCP is rejected in Parliament.

The rejection of “two motions of censorship” means that “Parliament understands that the government can continue to govern, the minister.

Apparently Montenegro launched the bait, the PCP bit, and the government would be dispensed with presenting a motion of trust.

But, after all, the Government can not present a motion of trust shortly. Even with the announced rejection of this motion of censorship of the communists.

This Tuesday, Pedro Duarte, Minister of parliamentary affairs, left this warning during the meeting of the Parliamentary Leaders Conference – which served precisely to mark today the debate of the PCP’s censorship motion, announces the.

The minister was not at the meeting in person, but warned away that the parliamentary calendar may be changed again.

Will be a risk to the government: this motion of trust would be almost sure because I needed at least 116 votes in favor; And probably only PSD and CDS (80 deputies) would approve.

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