Magnetic storms are a real problem for sensitive people around the world. Astrologers have decided to advise on how to avoid health problems with different Zodiac signs during such periods.
If you do not know what magnetic storms are, how they are formed and why they are dangerous, we recommend that you read the article on this topic. It is not fiction or magic, but a reality. Just many people simply do not feel magnetic tension because of their natural endurance or youth. According to researchers’ research, about one third of people worldwide experience problems with increased magnetic activity.
Rams must be as tired during periods of increased magnetic activity. This does not mean that you need to stop and lie on the couch. It is important to find some balance. Astrologers believe that Aries should not lift weights and active sports. Magnetic storm days should be careful. Also, you can’t lose your mood.
The bull’s immune system can be very weakened, so during the magnetic storms, these people are better off preparing strictly by the air. In general, Taurus feels depressed at this time, so avoid communication with negative people, as well as those who always criticize. It is better to be alert when communicating as the likelihood of becoming a victim of an energy vampire increases. The best way to relax on Taurus on those days is loneliness.
Gemini needs to recharge optimism, and in this respect, walking in the open air will be the most beneficial. People of this brand have a lot of acquaintances and friends, among whom will certainly come up with something negative. For twins, it is better not to communicate with the pessimists during the magnetic storm days. Good sleep and ability to find compromises is the main salvation of the people of the Gemini sign.
Cancer in those days when the Earth’s magnet is disturbed, it is better not to consume alcohol. This can seriously harm their health. Specialists are also advised by this watermark to eat correctly. In your diet, foods rich in vitamin C also need to be included. You also need to drink more water and do not overeat, especially when it comes to fat and heavy food, or food that is not the healthiest.
A lion
In order to calm the nerves, the Lions of Magnetic Storms are advised by astrologers to spend as much time as possible on their favorite jobs and hobbies. Ideally, it is a calm activity – embroidery, yoga, watching movies or reading books.
During the magnetic storms, the Virgin is better off entering fresh air, as well as not to communicate with the annoying people. These people may have very unpleasant thoughts, so the best way to protect yourself from serious health problems is to focus on something good. If possible, it is better to meet friends and not get into conflicts. Even a little sadness can be very upset by the representatives of the Virgin.
The scales brand should definitely stop eating fatty, sweet, salty foods. You must include more vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins in your diet. During the periods of severe storms, scales are often suffering from dizziness and malaise, so they need to lie down more often. It is worth noting that the scales almost do not feel weak first level magnetic storms. Only a second degree storm can disrupt them.
Astrologers advise scorpions to drink more water and not disturb their sleep schedule to avoid adverse effects on the body. Magnetic storm days need to get up in time and go to bed. It is also not recommended to stay at your computer for a long time or watch TV. Astrologers advise everyone who is forced to work at the computer for a long time to take breaks more often. This should reduce the likelihood of problems.
Sagittarius must first stop exhibiting themselves during the magnetic storm days. Driving a car does not require speed, as the magnetic storm severely affects their reaction. It is also recommended to abandon disputes and conflicts on such days. Serious conversations should be postponed to the next time.
Capricorns like to suffer. If, on normal days, they do not work and are almost tired of work, then the magnetic storm days can easily lose this ability. They will probably not feel tired at first. The troubles will come at the end of the day when they do not expect it. Astrologers also advise Capricorns not to engage in self -discipline or to extreme.
The waters
The main strength of Aquarius is the ability to understand people. During the magnetic storm days, this skill is weakened, so there is a chance to get into the trap of others. Specialists recommend that you look at life through the prism of optimism during magnetic activity. You don’t have to be ashamed to ask for some help. The desire to show everyone’s strength and independence will give nothing good.
Fish representatives should avoid self -criticism. The circle of salvation will be their loved ones during the days of increased magnetic activity. There will also be ambition and prudence on the side of these people. Astrologers advise you to stop multifunctional work to avoid fatigue and headaches and to beware of emotional vampires. Fish representatives with their empathy on such days are very vulnerable.
In addition to astrological advice, scientists and health professionals recommend several universal methods that can help reduce the effect of magnetic storms on the body. Drink more water – Proper fluid balance helps the body to cope with changes in the environment. Avoid too big [-[0]-]and alcohol consumptionbecause they can further enhance anxiety, dizziness or fluctuations in blood pressure. Take care of quality sleep – With a good night’s sleep, you will be more resistant to fluctuations in magnetic activity. Go out for a walk in fresh airbecause oxygen helps to normalize blood circulation and reduce weakness and fatigue caused by magnetic effects. Meditation or mild breathing exercises It can also help calm your body and thoughts during a magnetic storm. For all Zodiac signs, these tips can make you feel better and easier to overcome these natural phenomena.
I believe in astrology and I believe that part of life is determined to us. In my articles, I share interesting and somewhat mystical information about the signs of the Zodiac, their compatibility and people and their lives. I believe that we all deserve to be happy, so let us notice the signs sent by the universe.