Kocúriková also wanted Carlo Ponti, husband Sophie Loren: Why I refused a career abroad!

by Andrea

On Thursday 6 March at 20.30 will the unit again broadcast the Hall of Famewhere this time is the laureate Slovak actress Zuzka Kocúriková, who invites the actress as a guest Zdenka Studenková, actor Daniel Žulčák and daughter Katka Mikulíková with her son Oliver.

Kocúrikova says that although she had the opportunity to go abroad, She stayed at home because the family was very important to her. How did she become an actress? It was simply fate because she was intrigued by the photographer in Golden Sands. Then the world of acting was so charmed that she couldn’t even do anything else.

During her career she filmed with The world -famous French actor Jean Louis Trintiignant, whose Kocurik compared to Brad Pitt in his fame today.

Thanks to the film with him, she got into the awareness of the World Film Society. Even Producer Carlo Ponti, husband Sophie Loren, wanted to contract her to work with him, However, the offer was that it would have been traveled for 4 years without the opportunity to spend more time at home, only once a year for Christmas.

“When I read it, I said, I won’t sign this. Ja som človek veľmi závislý na svojej rodine, na svojich kamarátoch. Many didn’t understand it, but I didn’t regret it a minute. I had a sensational profession and a sensational family. I wouldn’t have these, ‟ She said, pointing to her daughter and grandson in the auditorium.


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