It is expected that the movement will remain high in the coming days; It is expected that more than 140 thousand vehicles circulate daily
The Rio-Santos Highway (BR-101) has an intense traffic on Ash Wednesday, according to information from the Federal Highway Police. In contrast, the other federal highways are normal. The Ecoponte dealership also reported that the Rio-Niterói bridge crossing is flowing well, with an estimated time of 13 minutes. The movement on the Rio-Santos highway is expected to remain high in the coming days, especially on Thursday (6), Friday (7) and Monday (10).
More than 140,000 vehicles are expected to circulate daily, with the highest congestion times occurring between 5h and 6h and from 14h to 16h. With regard to air transport, Galeão International Airport reported that its operations are normal, without records of delays or cancellations. During the carnival period, passenger movement is estimated at 674 thousand.
In addition, Santos Dumont Airport also had a significant increase in the flow, with Infraero foreseeing 104.6 thousand passengers and 865 scheduled flights. This number represents a 38% growth compared to the previous year, 2024, showing the recovery of the air sector after the challenges faced in recent years.
*Report produced with the aid of AI
Posted by Fernando Dias