The French owe them to shapely figures. They have a lot of fiber, they are good for the heart and thyroid

by Andrea
The French owe them to harmonious figures. They have a lot of fiber, they are good for the heart and thyroid

Word Solirod Perhaps it is not known to everyone, the name sounds more affordable asparagus sea. It is not without reason that this plant is often referred to as “asparagus for the poor” – easily available allowed to saturate and provide the body with vitamins in hard times. Today, the Solino is considered a exquisite dish served in the best restaurants around the world.

Solidy is a thick -gray dining plant, growing lush all over the world. It prefers wetlands and requires a lot of moisture, so you can find it in marsh and coasts. Sea asparagus, called Samphire, have several varieties. Each of them is characterized by salty taste. March Samphire, Rock Shampire, Shampire Gold or White are among the most powerful.

The term “marine asparagus” is due to the similarity to green, thin asparagus. Only its green peaks are edible. In the past, ashes from this plant were used for the production of glass and soap. Only with time man discovered her food application.

Solirod It is not a particularly popular plant with us, but it can be purchased in online stores. 100 g of this vegetable costs about PLN 10. It is available in raw form or in jars.

Sea asparagus have a characteristic, salty taste and many nutritional properties. Solide is a source of vitamin A, calcium, iron and magnesium. It also contains vitamin C and a large amount of fiber. It has little calories, but only 14 kcal per 100 g. This set is complemented by phosphorus and potassium.

The sensation is that the ingredients contained in the vegetable complement each other. A large amount of phosphorus not only has a positive effect on the structure of the muscles, but also supports the absorption of calcium, which is a building building block. Calcium, in turn, helps to absorb vitamin B12 better. Solide contains a lot of iodine, which is important for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.

Potassium decides that the solid has a good effect on the heart, which is helped by magnesium, which supports the nervous system by the way. They contain sea asparagus twice as much iron than spinachSo they are recommended in the fight against anemia. In addition, it also has a vegetable Antioxidant propertiesand a large amount of fiber supports digestive processes. Vitamin C strengthens the body’s immunity, constituting invaluable support in combating colds. Solide is also used locally in cases of rheumatism and swelling. This is justified because the plant has anti -inflammatory properties.

Solide is used as an addition to dishes than an independent dish, although some consume it like asparagus. Ideally suited to salads, fish dishes or in combination with seafood. It can be frying in butter or cooked, it is consumed raw, especially in salads. The raw plant retains the most of its properties, has a salty taste and gently crunchy. Solidy also combines well with lamb and is an interesting addition to fish soups. It can be added to vegetables made of wok or blanked.

When using sea asparagus in the kitchen, it is worth remembering that they have a salty taste. Therefore, before processing, you need to rinse thoroughly to get rid of excess salt and impurities that like to get stuck in the recesses of the plant. When cooking, frying or blanching, do not additionally season the vegetable, because it contains enough salt in itself.



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