Unemployment allowance: How to receive the total amount at once

by Andrea
Find out by when the Christmas allowance must be paid and the amount you can expect

Unemployment allowance consists of a monthly financial support attributed to workers who have lost their employment involuntarily and are registered at the Employment Center. However, in addition to the payment in installments, the legislation provides for the possibility of receiving the entire amount of once, under certain conditions.

Who can require the single payment?

Early payment of unemployment benefits, also called “payment of the unique amount of unemployment benefits”, is intended for beneficiaries who want to create their own employment or constitute a company.

According to the Practical Social Security Guide, this option requires the presentation of a project with the Institute of Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP), and its approval is subject to the economic viability of the initiative.

Procedures to request full payment

The following steps to request the single payment are as follows:

Registration at the Employment Center: The beneficiary must be registered with IEFP as a candidate for employment.


Presentation of a business project: It is necessary to submit a detailed business plan that demonstrates the viability of the activity.

Project Evaluation: IEFP analyzes the proposal and decides on its approval.

Receipt of the amount: If the project is approved, the beneficiary receives the amount corresponding to the unemployment allowance to which he would be entitled during the concession period.

Conditions and limitations

  • Payment can be made in full or partially, depending on the needs of the project.
  • The beneficiary assumes the responsibility of developing the proposed activity, being subject to monitoring and supervision by IEFP.
  • If the project is not implemented or complies with the objectives defined, the return of the amount received may be required.

Advantages and Risks

The option for full payment may constitute an opportunity for those who want to start a business, ensuring initial capital without resort to external financing.

However, it also implies risks, since the sustainability of the activity depends on the execution of the business plan and market conditions.

For more information, interested parties can consult the website.

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