You will make this cheesecake only with 3 ingredients. Forget about grinding cottage cheese

by Andrea
You will make this cheesecake only with 3 ingredients. Forget about grinding cottage cheese

When making a lot of time, it takes the bottom of the bottom. In our recipe we skip this step, so you do not have to wait for the base to bake in the oven before pouring the mass on it. Time also shortens the fact that we do not grind cottage cheese. In addition, even the greatest culinary anti -tire will cope with this baking. Check out the recipe for this crazy cheesecake that you will love from the first bite.

The cheesecake from this recipe is made of popular ingredients that we will buy in every store. Perhaps we already have them in our kitchen.

What 3 ingredients do we need to make a cheesecake? Here is the basic list:

  • 400 ml of sweetened condensed milk;
  • 250 g Philadelphia cream cheese;
  • 5 eggs.

To make a cheesecake from 3 ingredients, At the beginning we mix cream cheese Until a smooth mass is formed. Then We add sweetened condensed milk to it And mix again to combine these 2 products.

In the next step We add the yolks to the cheese mass And we mix the whole again. In turn, proteins are beat to a stiff foam and in this form we add them to the other ingredients. The foam should be gently mixed with a spatula.

Pour the prepared cheesecake on a cake tin with a diameter of 20 cmpreviously lubricating it with oil. Wrap the sides of the form with aluminum foil.

Insert the dish with the mass into a larger, rectangular form and We pour water into 1/3 of the cake tin. Bake the cheesecake in such a water bath in an oven preheated to 165 degrees Celsius for about 50 minutes. After this time, we leave it for 30 minutes on the device.

When the dough cools down, we decorate it according to our preferences. We can sprinkle baking with powdered sugar, pour it with chocolate coating or decorate with your favorite fruit.

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