Zequinha Lima guarantees continuity of the cultural carnival after heavy rain in Cruzeiro do Sul

by Andrea
Zequinha Lima guarantees continuity of the cultural carnival after heavy rain in Cruzeiro do Sul

The heavy rain that hit Cruzeiro do Sul on Tuesday night (4) caused flooding in several streets of the city center and affected the structure of Magid Almeida cultural carnival, in Orleir Cameli Square.

Despite the impacts, the event will be maintained, as announced by Mayor Zequinha Lima in an official statement.


During a technical survey at the site, the mayor stated that the Civil Defense, the Fire Department and the Civil Police were called to monitor the situation and ensure the safety of the population. According to him, a technical assessment was performed to confirm the stability of the event structure.

“We had a very strong flood that visually affected the structure we had here, but so that we could announce the continuity or not, we would need to have a technical report, a more detailed assessment. And that’s what we did, and so we maintained the schedule, ”he said.

The children’s program was canceled, but the adult will be maintained, but the continuity of the party depends on the weather conditions and the accessibility of the public to the site. “The rain is still intense, and we don’t know if people will be able to get here. But we are ready, with the entire Civil Defense team and other agencies prepared for any need, such as collapse and flooding in other parts of the city. ”

Given the scenario, Zequinha Lima stressed that the priority is the safety of the population and that new updates will be made according to the evolution of climate in the city.

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