Saturday at 21.40 am will the unit again broadcast Talkshow Petr Marcin late in the evening. This time the guests will be actress Eva Gribová, champion in the pushing of Barbora Bajčiová and 4 Tenoři. Eva Gribová talks about her journey to acting. She was quite gritty because she wasn’t supposed to go to what conservatory.
The problem was that she couldn’t play any musical instrument, which the conservatory had already wanted to know besides acting. Finally, she found a conservatory in Martin, where it was not necessary to control the game on the musical instrument, so she enrolled there.
Subsequently, she reported at VŠMU, where they took 15 candidates and she finished in 16th place! “I grown long hair so much, I heard it is better to have long hair on the waist. So I grown them at the conservatory for 4 years. When I learned, That I didn’t work out on the receipts, so I wiped into the first hairdresser – cut! ‟ She told Marcin.
Her steps were directed at the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica, but after Bakalár she got to the Academy of Performing Arts, where she is now studying. Eva Gribová has been a partner of actor Juraj Hrčka for two years, with a 19-year difference between them, but they are both very active, so the age does not play any role here.