CTT-Post Office of Portugal have been increasingly asserting themselves as a logistics and e-commerce operator. This new brand positioning, which goes beyond traditional post office services, has recently been reinforced with an unprecedented action on social networks.
The idea in Nazareth: an unusual situation
The campaign was launched at a strategic height, coinciding with the famous giant wave week in Nazareth. It was in this locality, known worldwide for its imposing waves, that a truly unusual moment occurred. Surfer Tony Laureano, in the sea of Nazareth, was in a very common situation for surf practitioners: he lost his board in the powerful waves.
The amazing delivery of the order
However, what happened next was nothing usual. Instead of resigning the situation, Laureano was surprisingly received an order directly in the heart of the Nazareth cannon. Who delivered the order? A CTT postman, who quickly moved to a motorcycle of water to the surfer site.
A replacement board not to lose the wave
Inside the order was a new board, ready to be used by the surfer. So he was able to quickly return to the competition. The action was clearly designed to dramatize the agility and efficiency of CTT, as well as reinforce their proximity to customers, who have required increasingly faster and personalized service.
The Havas Agency as creator of the action
According to, this initiative was conceived by the Havas agency, which knew how to bring a simple but effective concept to life. According to Filipa Nascimento, director of communication and brand of CTT, the action reflects the reinvention of the brand, which, despite having over 500 years of history, continues to adapt to modern times. For her, the brand is not relevant only for the service it provides, but also for the stories it can tell.
Nazareth as the perfect stage for action
“Nazareth is the stage of the largest wave in the world, where few dare to enter. This is the ideal spot to demonstrate CTT’s delivery capacity where it is needed at the moment it is most necessary, ”said Paulo Pinto, Havas Executive Creative Director.
Transform the CTT image
This type of innovative communication aims to show the public that CTT is not only a traditional institution, but also a brand capable of offering quick and effective solutions in unexpected situations. The choice of Nazareth was not casual: the place is a global reference for surfing, and the image of a postman delivering an order in a motorcycle of water conveys the idea that CTT get where necessary, even in the most challenging conditions.
The campaign also underlines the idea that CTT have a great ability to adapt to the needs of their customers. The speed of delivery, personalized service and the ability to innovate are now fundamental pillars of the brand. This is not just a postal service, but a logistics solution that adapts to the rapid pace of modern life.
Investments in technology and new forms of communication
In this context, the company has been investing not only in technology, but also in new forms of communication. Social networks, such as Instagram and Facebook, become essential platforms for reaching younger audiences, which require excellence service and quick and effective interaction with brands.
The target audience of this action is clear: dynamic and demanding people, such as radical sports practitioners, who need quick solutions to not lose important moments. Nazareth, being the place where the highest waves in the world are surfed, serves as the perfect scenario to convey this message of speed and efficiency.
CTT as leader in the e-commerce and logistics market
The CTT action is part of a broader strategy of reinforcing their position in the e-commerce and logistics market. With the growth of online trade, companies that operate in this sector have to be increasingly agile and capable of adapting to consumer needs. And CTT have shown that they are ready for this challenge.
Delivery at sea: a powerful metaphor
The direct intervention of a sea postman, in a motorcycle of water, is a powerful metaphor for the company’s commitment to the delivery of quick solutions, no matter where or when needed. This action conveys a spirit of innovation and the ability to go beyond expected to satisfy your customers.
A communication and marketing show
The CTT action in Nazaré was not just a order delivery, but a true communication and marketing show. By joining radical sport, innovation and speed, the brand can convey its message in a memorable way, showing that it is prepared for the challenges of the future.
The future of the brand and the quick and effective solutions
This action is part of a series of initiatives that CTT have launched in recent times, always aiming to modernize their image and expand their presence in the digital market. The path is set: innovate, adapt and continue to offer quick and effective solutions to your customers.
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