An attempted rape was recorded on Tuesday (4) at Rua Osvaldo Cruz, in the center of Cascavel, in western Paraná. The victim, a policeman’s daughter, was waiting at the entrance of a building when a man approached her, but could not hold her. The woman managed to escape.
According to the police report, the woman indicated the author as a man. After diligence from the police, he identified himself, confirming the information and reporting to be under the use of narcotics.
In addition, the perpetrator confirmed to the police that when he saw the victim in front of the building, he tried to grab her, intended to drag her to a wasteland and sexually abuse the woman. In security camera, it is possible to see the moment when the rape was attempted, but the involved dismiss the author’s arms and runs away.
The offender was taken to the 10th Regional Flagrant Center, and it is necessary to use handcuffs to move the man.
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*Under supervision