According to many, honey is the same sweetener as sugar. He is considered equally unhealthy, but it is not true at all. Properties of liquid gold They may have a pleasure to surprise those who care about the line.
Honey can be eaten while slimming, and what’s more, It can have a positive effect on weight loss. This product of bee origin contains active ingredients that can cause such action. These compounds improve the body’s metabolism. Meaning that They can support fat burning.
In addition, during weight loss, It is worth choosing honey instead of sugarbecause it will provide less calories. At the same time, it will help soothe your thirst for sweet and diversify drinks such as coffee or tea.
The slimming effect of honey will be strengthened if we enrich it with specific add -ons. The best of them will be Cinnamon, ginger, lemon and apple cider vinegar. They will work in both slimming drinks and cleansing the body, but also diversify the dishes.
Honey in combination with cinnamon can accelerate metabolism and lower your appetite. In turn, liquid gold with ginger and lemonin addition to weight loss, will support digestion. Apple cider vinegar with honey will have a cleansing effect and will help stabilize the level of glucose.
For slimming is the best honey that contains the most fructose. It is also worth paying attention to that he would be uninvited and not. Only then can you enjoy the richness of active relationships and vitamins.
During weight loss it is best to reach for buckwheat or acacia honey. They will also be a good choice Lower index honeys glycemicand they will belong to such Honey honey. They contain oligosaccharides, which are slowly absorbed from the digestive tract, without causing large fluctuations of glucose after consumption.
Honey depending on the type has between 320 at 330 kcal of 100 g product. This means that a spoon of honey She will have about 50 kcalassuming that it houses 15 g. Although it seems that it is a lot, it still has less calories than white sugar. 100 g of sugar is about 390 kcal.