Case Richthofen: Cristian Cravinhos progresses to open regime and is loose

by Andrea

Cristian Cravinhosconvicted of the death of the couple Manfred and Marísia von Richthofen, which occurred in 2002, He was released on Wednesday (5), after the São Paulo Court of Justice authorized that he will serve the rest of the sentence outside the prison.

He is the last of the three convicted of the crime to acquire the legal sanction to serve the sentence on freedom. Daniel Cravinhos has been open since 2018, while Suzane von Richthofen also fulfills the rest of the sentence in freedom and has been loose since January 2023.

In the decision, Judge Sueli Zeraik de Oliveira Armani established that Cristian should follow numerous rules. Until Wednesday, he was detained in the “Dr. José Augusto Salgado ”, the P2 of Tremembé, in the interior of São Paulo.

Zeraik highlighted the good behavior of the detainee in jail and the favorable opinion of professionals who made a psychological assessment of cloves.

“In the file that the sentenced maintains good prison conduct, has a defined procedural situation, fulfilled the legal lapse for the progression of prison regime on 17/04/2024 and does not record disciplinary absences during the last 12 months of compliance with the reprimand, thus fulfilling the objective and subjective requirements required by law to obtain the benefit,” he said.

However, the judge considered that the agency’s objections were not sufficient to prevent the change of regime of the detainee.

“In addition, he underwent criminological examination and the multidisciplinary team that unanimously opined for the granting of the claim. Moreover, the objections presented by the Public Prosecution Service are not able to justify unfavorable decision, since subjective lessons regarding the personality of the inmate, isolated in the context, do not appear to be able to give rise to negative rights guaranteed by the criminal execution law, ”he said.

The judge stressed that Cristian enjoyed numerous temporary exits throughout the sentence, always returned to the prison, without negative complications, which evidenced merit to serve the rest of the penalty in freedom.

In the document, the judge established that cloves should follow the following specifications:

  • Attend quarterly to the competent criminal execution Court or the Egress and Family Care Center to inform about their activities;
  • Obtain lawful occupation and must prove, with the VEC or CAEF;
  • Going out for work at 6am, and should return home until 10 pm, as well as on weekends and holidays;
  • Do not change the district without prior authorization from the court;
  • Do not change residence without communicating the judgment;
  • Do not attend bars, gaming houses and other places incompatible with the benefit won.

If one of the rules is breached by cloves, he may lose the benefit and must return to the sentence in prison.

A CNN tries to contact Cristian’s defense and the space is still open to demonstrations.

The report sought the Public Prosecution Service of São Paulo, since the agency was against freedom of cloves, but did not return until the last update of this report.

Remember the case

On October 31, 2002, Daniel and Cristian Cravinhos killed the beloved engineer Manfred and psychiatrist Marísia Von Richthofen, parents of Suzane von Richthofen, in the couple’s mansion, in the Campo Belo neighborhood, south of São Paulo.

At the time, the 18 -year -old and mentor of the crime told authorities that parents did not approve of their relationship with Daniel.

At the trial in 2006, Suzane and Daniel were sentenced to 39 years and six months in prison. In turn, Cristian was sentenced to 38 years and six months.

Daniel has been in open regime since 2018, and currently works with motorcycle customization. Suzane also fulfills the rest of the penalty in freedom and has been loose since January 2023.

*Under supervision


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