Cheaper way than vinegar: This will clean up the kettle even from the largest deposits

by Andrea

Do you often fight with a limescale seated in an electric kettle? Leave the vinegar and citric acid in the cabinet and start to hide the lemon peels. Even lemons can remove scale.

The limescale is ubiquitous

Lime stone is a bend. Do you still remember an advertisement that was the main slogan? Although limescale is a problem especially in households that are struggling with hard water, we all know it. While soft water contains fewer these substances, even when using it sooner or later hard light scales and deposits appear.

The limescale is formed wherever hot water ashamed. Therefore, boilers, washing machines and dishwashers, but also electric kettle and, of course, classic kettle, are threatened by lining. Classically used vinegar or citric acid to remove scale, but the lemon itself is a very good solution.

You can see how to use the LOKON scale to dispose of the Adanna’s Kitchen channel in this post.

Source: YouTube

Do also use lemon peels

Vinegar and citric acid work perfectly. The disadvantage is perhaps only a very unpleasant odor. He ventures, but it goes without him. Lemon can also remove limescale on excellent, yet without unpleasant odor. On the contrary, a pleasant citrus aroma will unfold.

If you want to save and do not mind that the removal of scale will take a little longer, use lemon peels that are to be discarded. These also contain acidic substances that will help to remove the scale and at the same time use the residues that you would otherwise throw away. While you would otherwise sacrifice half the lemon for cleaning, you can accumulate more.

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Limar cleaning with lemon

How to work with lemon? Just cut it into the wheels with bark and pour only a minimum of water. However, the places affected by the scale should be sunk. The heating spiral or bottom of the kettle that heats the water and where the stone settles should be completely covered. In the kettle, there should be at least the amount of water as indicated by the minimum gauge marked directly on the kettle.

Let the lemon with water boil in the kettle. Because there is very little water in the kettle, it warms up very quickly. However, do not pull the lemon from the kettle. Allow IS lemons water in the kettle macerated for another 20 minutes, when it can continue to act on limescale. Then pour the contents of the kettle into the sink. Throw the lemon slices into the basket or compost and rinse the teapot with clean water.

If you only use the skin, boil them in the kettle again and let the mixture act for another 20 to 30 minutes.


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