Closing the debate, Paulo Rangel played a play on CPI’s “fallacy”

by Andrea
Closing the debate, Paulo Rangel played a play on CPI's “fallacy”

Manuel de Almeida / Lusa

Closing the debate, Paulo Rangel played a play on CPI's “fallacy”

Foreign Minister Paulo Rangel

Pedro Nuno Santos speaks of the committee’s “escape”, Foreign Minister has another version on the subject.

Pedro Nuno Santoswhile confirming that the PS will vote against the motion of trust that the Prime Minister announced, accused Luís Montenegro of prefering elections to face an inquiry committee.

In the debate of the government presented by the PCP, Pedro Nuno Santos said that Luís Montenegro knows that he will have on the part of the PS the lead of the motion of confidence, as he had already advanced during the debate of the arrival of the arrival.

“The responsibility for the political crisis is the Prime Minister,” he said, considering that The Prime Minister “preferred to shoot the country for elections to give explanations” and thus “escape the parliamentary commission of inquiry” PS hair.

Paulo Rangel and the “fallacy”

The Minister of Foreign Affairs challenged the PS to refrain from the motion of trust, “if he wants” a Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPI) about the situation of the Prime Minister regarding the Spinumviva company.

He was Paulo Rangel, Minister of State and Government number two, which ended by the government of the debate of the Motion of Censorship of the PCP, in the Assembly of the Republic, after Luís Montenegro announced at the opening that the government will present a confidence motion that could lead to early elections.

The minister accused the PS of only proposing a parliamentary commission of inquiry when he realized that the government’s confidence motion would even move forward.

Gentlemen of the PS, if they want both the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry, they have good medicine, they refrain from the vote of confidence And the inquiry begins in 15 days ”, challenges.

That is, the play From the minister was to challenge the socialists: if they want explanations about Spinumviva, let the government rule; If you do not want this government to govern, they will not have explanations about Spinumviva.

Translating: The PS will only have the answers it wants, to allow Luís Montenegro to remain the Prime Minister.

Already on the morning of Thursday, the same Paulo Rangel appeared on radio to ensure that the government is not escaping the CPI. “I am amazed With people say. I apologize! If the PS enables the vote of confidence, there will be parliamentary committee of inquiry. The PS doesn’t want to do it. ”

“We need to deny, they are saying things that are not absolutely any sense. It is a fallacy, thrown namely by António Mendonça Mendes and Alexandra Leitão ” – two deputies of the PS.

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