From Eunice Paiva to the STF – 03/05/2025 – Conrado Hübner Mendes

by Andrea

Excellent ministers of the Federal Supreme Court,

I promise not to abuse pun with “”. After the movie about my life has received awards around the world and consecrated themselves in, I come to harass you, who are still there.

In March 1971, President Emilio Medici was unanswered. I asked for help to clarify, which I still believed to be alive. He claimed his fundamental right of defense and being arrested according to due process. Letter to Minister Alfredo Buzaid was also ignored. The regime did not give me one.

From this supreme court, the story of my husband will receive more decent treatment.

It had the opportunity, 15 years ago, to fulfill its constitutional task of liability of military officers for crimes against humanity not covered by. And made a decision applauded by torturers.

Minister Peluso justified: “Only man forgives, only a superior society qualified by the awareness of the highest feelings of humanity can forgive.”

It was perhaps the most mistaken phrase of the entire career of this full magistrate. The amnesty law has never been forgiveness or act of greatness, but perpetuation of violence. Thirty years later, the STF could repair cowardice. He preferred to honor her.

Of this decision there was appeal. And shortly thereafter, a new action on the same theme was filed. Both, for over ten years, (ADPF 153 and ADPF 320). I heard that the minister signaled “willingness to disapprove.” I am delighted with how much a minister can alone in this court, but we cheer for flashes of courage.

Flashes that the ministers Flávio Dino had, in accepting the convincing argument that concealment of the corpse is a permanent crime and escapes of amnesty; Edson Fachin, when he continued two actions for crimes in the dictatorship; and Alexandre de Moraes, when reopening three actions, including the one that deals with the crime against my husband. And also the plenary in giving general repercussion status to the theme of permanent crime.

It took the trio of, Fernanda Montenegro and to give expression to what I lived. There is still time for some repair about the past, but I also wanted to talk about the present and the future.

The criminal complaint against authors of the coup attempt in January 2023 has allowed us to dream of solid democracy. Do not income the unworthy military mania to scream “revanchism.” The rematch against those who commit crimes is the application of the law. Series criminals, yesterday and today, are not even there for the “judgment of history.”

Together with me are other mothers and family members of the dead and missing. They are mothers of black children and other victims of state brutality. Cases of body cameras in police and police operations in slums have to do with it.

Also remember the indigenous people. There were at least 8,300 killed in the dictatorship. They were at least a thousand killed in the pandemic for deliberate government option (double the mortality rate of the general population). Protect their jurisprudence of legal-matalist-military revanchism against the 1988 Constitution.

Maria Eunice Paiva

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