The federal government has announced that it will send communications to 6.4 million families inserted in the Cadastro Único (Cadúnico) to update their data until February 2026.
The measure applies to both government social programs beneficiaries such as Bolsa Familia, Continuing Benefit Benefit (BPC), Step, Gas aid, Electricity Social Rate, as those who are not framed in these programs but are inserted in CadÚnico.
CadÚnico is the tool used by the Brazilian government to include low -income families in social programs. It gathers detailed information about how many people make up the family, what is the per capture value of each member and living conditions.
The update is provided by law and should be done every two years or when the person changes address or income. Non -updating may suspend or even block the granting of a benefit.
What will the warning be and how to update?
The warning about the CadÚnico update will be done through the CadÚnico application, at the “Envelope” icon, and for Bolsa Familia beneficiaries, also in the applications of the Cadúnico and Caixa program has, as well as messages in the payment statement.
Families will be notified staggered and do not need to immediately go to the points of the Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS), according to the Ministry of Development, Social Assistance and Hunger Fighting. Voice messages will also be made available by Caixa Call Center.
Upon receiving the notice, families must go to the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) or the agency provided by municipal management to update their data. One -person families will have the interview conducted at their home.
Check below which situation is required to update:
– In case of change of address;
– Change of children’s school;
– If new people came to live in your house;
– Change of employment of some family member or lost their work.
For registration update, it is necessary for the person to go to the service place of his city where he is already registered. For this, it is necessary to bring documents from all members of the family, especially CPF, and updated residence proofs.
Learn more details about the cadunic below.
What is the Single Registry?
It is a tool for social inclusion and access to government social programs.
Why update?
Updates are mandatory every two years or with family changes (address, income, marital status, etc.). Updated data ensures correct access to social programs.
Who can register?
Families with income of up to half a minimum wage per person or linked to social programs.
Documents required for registration are as follows:
– Family responsible: photo document, CPF or voter registration and proof of address;
– Other members: birth or marriage certificate, CPF, ID, Work Card and voter title;
– Indigenous and quilombolas: documents mentioned above or administrative certificate of birth of the indigenous (rani).
How to register?
Take the documents to a registration post or CRAS in your city. It is essential to keep the registration updated to avoid losing benefits.
For more information
Visit the official website of Cadúnico or visit the nearest CRAS. In the state of São Paulo, the link to consult the CRAS units can be consulted on the website of the São Paulo State Secretariat of Social Development.