How to grow vegetables all year round: helpful tips for gardeners

by Andrea
How to grow vegetables all year round: helpful tips for gardeners

Vegetables are not only healthy but also delicious food, which should be part of a daily diet. It is best to eat seasonal, their own vegetables because they keep more nutrients, are tastier and greener. Many believe that growing vegetables is limited to the warm season, but with proper planning and using a few tricks, you can enjoy your grown good all year round. You might be surprised, but you can grow some vegetables in winter. Some of them can overwinter in beds and be ready to pick in the spring and others can be grown even in the coldest months. In this article, we will discuss how to plan vegetable growing for all seasons, what methods to use and how to maintain the soil so that it remains fertile all year round.

Proper planning – successful harvest

It is important to plan planting well with fresh vegetables all year round. Every time of year has its own specifics, so it is worth getting to know the properties of the plants and distribute them properly.

  • Early spring It is possible to start planting cold tolerant crops such as radish, leeks, salads, spinach and carrots. These vegetables can grow even at cool temperatures and give early harvest.
  • In the summer The focus is on heat -like plants such as tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, peppers and beans. These are fast -growing cultures that require more watering and heat.
  • In the fall and winter It is possible to grow or remove late harvest by choosing resistant vegetables such as Brussels cabbage, leafy cabbage, turnips, spinach, broccoli. Some root vegetables, such as parsnips and carrots, may remain in the soil during the winter and be dug in the spring.
Foil Tunnel 2x3 m White - View from the inside, photo
Folia Tunnel 2 × 3 m white – view from inside, photo

Choosing vegetables for growing winter

One of the most important factors for successful vegetable growing in winter is the right choice of vegetables and their varieties. Winter planning should start in the spring – at that time vegetables can be sown, which will mature until mid -winter. Later it is possible to plant additional crops that will yield during the cold season or overwinter in the soil until spring.

If you plan the planting properly, you can enjoy freshly picked Brussels cabbage during the New Year. Winter cabbage and perennial vegetables are also perfect for winter. Perennial vegetables are a particularly practical choice because they yield yields for several seasons. For example, certain perennial cabbage varieties can provide fresh leaves throughout the winter if properly protected from cold, snow and winter storms.

Balance polycarbonate greenhouse 2.44 x 3.67 m Palram - canopia, photo
Balance polycarbonate greenhouse 2.44 x 3.67 m Palram – canopia, photo

How to protect plants from frost?

When planting vegetables in late autumn or early spring, it is important to take care of their adverse weather conditions. Here are some ways you can extend the growing season:

  • Mulch – Earth coating with straw, leaves or organic matter helps to preserve heat and protect the roots from the cold.
  • Raised beds – the soil in such gardens warms faster in the spring, so the growing season begins earlier. In addition, the risk of the roots will freeze in winter.
  • Greenhouses and are an effective solution for those who want to enjoy harvest longer. Garden tunnels are easy -to -install structures that protect plants from frost and drafts. Moisture regulation reduces moisture evaporation, causing plants to retain the required moisture balance for longer. Fast and easy installation allows garden tunnels to be easily placed and customized to different needs.

If you are looking for an effective solution for the protection of plants, you will find it here: which help to maintain the microclimate needed for the plants even in the colder months.

Folia tunnel for plants for growing 2x3.5 m white garden pooint, photo
Folia tunnel for plants for growing 2 × 3.5 m white garden point, photo

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