To this day, cardamom is one of the most valued spices in the world. It is worth discovering its properties to be able to enjoy health benefits every day. Find out who can especially use them.
The cardamom composition includes a lot of valuable nutrients. It contains minerals such as magnesium, calcium, potassium and zinc as well as vitamins, including vitamin and B vitamins. However, it is not these ingredients that make its impact on our health so large.
Cardamom contains large amounts of essential oils -Alfa-terpineol, Limonen, Borneol or Cyneol are just some of them. It is thanks to them that it has its characteristic taste and strong aroma. In addition, we find antioxidants in its composition. Through them, the cardamom protects us against inflammation, slows down the aging process of the body and reduces the risk of chronic diseases in the future.
Cardamom is used for digestive problems. It helps to improve digestion and is recommended after abundant meals. It can help in the event of flatulence, nausea, heartburn and vomiting. Has antibacterial and diureticwhich is why it is also recommended in the case of urinary tract infection.
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Cardamom is especially recommended for people who are slimming. Thanks to its properties supports the digestion processand helps the body get rid of toxins. It can also help us In regulating appetite, because it has a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels and improves insulin sensitivity.
Cardamom is also used by some to improve concentration. It is often used in aromatherapy, because its smell can help in dealing with fear and stress.
People who often catch infections should also include it in the diety. Due to its warming and antibacterial action, it can help us deal with immunity crises and recurrent ailments.
We will only need grains of our favorite coffee and cardamom to prepare coffee with cardamom. For grinding them will be useful to us a coffee grinder, in which we will be able to grind both types of grains. If we already have minced coffee beans, we will be able to crush the cardamom, e.g. using a mortar.
If we have a café or preparing coffee in a crucible, All we have to do is mix coffee with cardamom and we will brew it as usual. If we have a coffee maker, we can mix coffee with cardamom after brewing. All you have to do is prepare a classic cup of black coffee, and then add the amount of spice to it. If we don’t like black coffee, we can easily focus on additives such as cream or sugar.