In March, spring fertilization of shrubs and perennials begins slowly. So this is a good time to take care of azaleas, which will soon repay with colorful and impressive flowers. We do not need products from the store to fertilize them. It turns out that we can power them by using a certain kitchen waste.
Azaleas are plants that characterize hemispherical habit and which They bloom abundantly from May to June. Then they release flowers with beautiful colors. They can take white, orange, yellow, red, purple or amaranth. Often the inflorescences of azaleas are also two -colored.
To enjoy the charm of beautiful, however, we must properly take care of the plant. The basis of the care of Azalia is a properly prepared substrate. This specimen grows best in soil with acid reaction and high permeability.
In addition Azalia should grow in partial shade and it is worth planting in the neighborhood trees. To make it flourish, we must also take care of mulching. The mulch from the bark of coniferous trees will work best, which will make the substrate have the appropriate pH, and in addition it prevents the loss of moisture, and in winter protects the roots of the plant from freezing. Mulling is performed in spring and autumn.
During the care of Azalia, their regular fertilization is also very important. We supply plants for the first time in the season in early springas soon as the earth dreams. This is usually done in April, but sometimes the weather means that we can do this in March. Thanks to this, we will strengthen the azaleas before the effort that will soon await them, i.e. before flowering.
We don’t have to buy conditioners at all in stores. All we have to do is use some kitchen waste that will affect azaleas. I am talking about coffee coffee grounds that acidify and nourish the soil under the plant. If you want to prepare a liquid fertilizer from them, you should Mix 5 teaspoons of coffee grounds with water. Such a conditioner once a week.
It is a great method to stimulate and strengthen plants because Coffee coffee grounds contain, among others Phosphorus, affecting the development of the root system and flowering, as well as magnesium, which is a building building block. In coffee grounds we also find nitrogen, which will have a positive effect on the development and growth of the plant and improve the condition of leaves and flowers.
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It is also worth preparing Homemade spraying that can soon be useful in the garden. We will need Coca-Cola to prepare it, which we mix with water in a 1: 1 ratio. We pour the solution into a bottle with an atomizer and spray it with azaleas.
This spray It is worth doing at the beginning of spring to protect the plant against aphids. It is worth repeating it every few weeks. This is an effective method to get rid of pests from our azaleas.