Infrastructure and Economics dominate Tarcísio Agenda – 06/03/2025 – Power

by Andrea

() He had his daily life in the two years ahead of the government dominated by topics such as privatization and security at official meetings.

According to data from the governor’s official agenda between January 1, 2023, date of inauguration in the state, and last December 31, the Champion of Meetings is the head of, Arthur Lima, 167. He is followed by the Secretary of Infrastructure and, Natália Resende (63), and then, by Rafael Benini (51), partnerships and.

Outside the podium are Samuel Kinoshita (48), farm and planning holder, and the Secretary of Government, (40), responsible for the political articulation of the administration.

The data were extracted automatically by the Sheet and analyzed by the report, which contained only the commitments in which the guests are nominally cited.

This means that meetings with more generic citations, such as “mayors”, “secretaries”, or “participants” do not enter the total mentioned.

The governor had, in total, 1,183 official commitments to his first -level assistants, as well as advisors, and senators, governors, members of and other figures from the private sector and civil society. Of these, 868 occurred in 2023, compared to 315 in 2024.

With the heads of each government folder, 654 meetings were held, 479 of them in 2023 and 175 in the year 2024 – a 64%reduction. It is noteworthy that many agendas are not included in the official annals of the São Paulo administration.

Among the top ten are also the communication secretaries, Laís Vita, Social Development, Jorge Lima, Public Security,, Strategic Projects, Guilherme Afif Domingos, and, Renato Feder.

Among these, Derrite stands out with the largest number of meetings with Tarcisio last year: in all, there were 10 meetings. The secretary starred in 2024 a crisis involving security in the state and the performance of the Military Police in approaches and operations accumulated since the beginning of the term.

Some controversial cases marked the duo’s management, including a policeman’s catch at the time he was playing a man from a bridge, in the south of a medical student’s death and the murder of a black man hit by 11 shots fired in his back by a off -duty military man in front of a market.

The crisis generated pressure on the first level of the Bandeirantes Palace, as public safety is a Tarcisio government flag, used as an electoral showcase. Despite the rumors, the agent decided to keep Guilherme Derrite in front of the folder.

Tarcisio speaks of running for reelection in 2026, but is also seen as presidential, given the ineligibility of (). The Secretary of Security is mentioned as a possible candidate for the Senate, the deputy governor or even the governor, if the current head of the São Paulo executive disputes the Planalto Palace.

For next year’s election, Derrite hit the trip to the PP, according to the senator and president of the acronym, Ciro Nogueira. The senator argues that if Tarcisio is a candidate for president, Derrite competes to the government of São Paulo.

“Public safety was central to Tarcisio and its relationship with the central core of Bolsonarism. The empowerment of military police and the recruudation that would produce their security policy, with a significant increase in police lethality, place the Public Security Secretariat and the derite function as a central,” says the researcher and political analyst Julia Almeida.

In addition to the first level, the list of people with whom Tarcisio met in 2024 the Attorney General of SP, Inês Coimbra, the deputy and leader of São Paulo, André do Prado (PL-SP), and Mayor ().

Curiously is the amount of official meetings in which the deputy governor Paulista, Felício Ramuth () appears. In the two years, it was five, the same number obtained by the Minister of Finance, (), Tarcisio’s electoral opponent in.

Ramuth was in less formal commitments on the agenda that André Salcedo, last president of before privatization, and in the same amount as Julio Castiglioni, CEO of São Paulo.

Another who lost space with the governor was Kassab. Despite being considered a strong man of the administration and being quoted even as Tarcisio’s deputy in 2026, if he competed in the Planalto Palace, he left 37 agendas in 2023 to only 3 in 2024.

The governor also had meetings with Brazilian and foreign political figures, mayors and entrepreneurs. In the two years, there were 87 meetings with members of the private sector, in addition to 81 with state deputies, 57 mayors and 54 authorities of international bodies and representations from other countries.

Among the international leaders are members of consulates and embassies of ,,,, and others. The list also includes organizations such as the BID (Inter -American Development Bank) and World Bank.

The current occupant of the Bandeirantes Palace was also named after the judiciary, such as judges of the (Court of Justice of São Paulo) and ministers of the (Superior Court of Justice).

Of the 11 magistrates of the (Supreme Federal Court), he met with 9 of them, except and, newly Indicated by (PT). The petista was also little seen in formal agendas, with only three meetings in both years.

In a national spectrum, official commitments were made with (-al), former president of, (PSD-MG), former chief, in addition to the governors of, (),, Colonel Marcos Rocha (),, Jorginho Mello (PL) and ().


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