Why did Lula go to choose a ‘troubleira’ to take care of the dialogue with parliamentarians? An explanation commented behind the scenes is that with her at this post, the president would be sure to have a faithful ally
According to the news broadcast by the newspaper A Gazeta do Povo, published about a year and a half ago, Bolsonaro and his followers were aggressively achieved: “provocative, scammers, bullies, evaders, muamambeiros, bandits, locks, murderers, militia, extorters, jewelry thieves and genocidas.”
So far, that’s fine. Adversaries, turn and move, are strange in political clashes. The curious fact in this story, however, is that these words were uttered by. Nor would it be no big deal if she had not been chosen by Lula to command the Secretariat of Institutional Relations in place of Alexandre Padilha, who took over the Ministry of Health.
The position is to articulate, not to confront
In this function, it will have to articulate with Congress to proceed with government projects and negotiate the distribution of parliamentary amendments. So it was a surprise the news of your nomination. Known for her strong and quarrelsome temperament, it will not be easy for her to break resistance, even within her own party.
I did some research to see what political commentators thought of the choice. I did not find a single favorable opinion, except between root petistas or occupants of government positions – who would applaud any decision of.
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One of them, “companion in health and illness, joy and sadness”, Jaques Wagner, endorsed the president’s decision. He praised the experience of Mrs Paraná and highlighted his ability in the political articulations and party alliances. Another who spared no praise was the vice president, converted to Lulism by the miracle of power, Geraldo Alckmin.
These do not count, as they would approve any name indicated by the Chief Executive. The important thing is to analyze the comments of those outside this environment characterized by the OBA-OBA. I would like to hear the class that applauded in a half light conversation, savoring a good bottle of wine.
Lula has not been able to articulate
The question they ask is this: after all, with so much political experience, having faced challenges of all kinds, why did Lula choose a “troublemaker” to take care of the dialogue with parliamentarians? Considering that, in this regard, the government goes from bad to worse. Let’s look from the outside why Lula decided to paddle against the tide. It seems like a paradox, because except your nearest circle, no one seems to understand this choice.
A Respect Curriculum
Gleisi breathes politics since he was born. Still in school benches, he acted and stood out as a student leader in Paraná. His rise was dizzying. He won the Senate elections in 2010 and the following year he commanded the Civil House in the government of Dilma Rousseff, staying there until 2014.
After returning to the Senate, he fought like a lioness to try to prevent Dilma’s impeachment. Aware that PT’s wear may make it difficult to reelection as a senator in 2019, he chose to run for a place in the Federal Chamber. It was reelected in 2022.
The skills required are other
He took over the party’s national presidency in 2017 and never faded, even in the most delicate moments, as in Lava Jato’s process and Lula’s prison. Those who analyze their curriculum through this prism concludes that the president could not have someone with a more appropriate profile for the position.
But in this function, what counts most is the ability to talk, negotiate and interact with parliamentarians. And the deputy’s history is not the best. As the French poet Henry Batail said said: “The past is the second heart that hits us.” If your behavior is vigilant, irascible and explosive, what led Lula to choose his name?
Experience and loyalty as a requirement
In addition to the political experience and the loyalty shown over the years, there is no other apparent reason that serves as an argument. An explanation commented behind the scenes is that, with her at this post, the president would be sure to have a faithful ally for his attempted reelection. If you chose someone from the center, there would always be a flea behind the ear. Would risk being betrayed.
In fact, no one can justify for sure what led Lula to make this decision. Or he is a genius, seeing beyond what normal views can see, or is making one of the greatest political mistakes of his career.
Trying to change the image
With the intention of turning the page and writing a new story, contacts were kept with Senate President David Alcolumbre, and Mayor Hugo Motta. The two wished success in their endeavor. In the coming days, we will see if they were welcome protocols or will act as partners for real.
With popularity plummeting and without clear plans to resolve the most urgent issues in the country, these Lula initiatives may well be the result of despair. Is the whole troop with the wrong step? Follow on Instagram: @polito
*This text does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the young Pan.