The Minister of the Federal Supreme Court filed the investigation that investigated the governor of, Ibaneis Rocha (), for alleged involvement with the scammer attacks of January 8, 2023.
The Attorney General had specifically requested the filing of Ibaneis, who was initially investigated on suspicion of omission or failures that contributed to the invasion of the three powers.
The minister’s decision was signed on Friday (28).
Before the filing, the governor had the notebook, external hard drive and cell phones seized in the investigation. The report described the performance of January 7 and 8, 2023, and concluded that there are no acts that indicated his involvement with the protesters.
During the investigation, he was temporarily removed from office for more than two months by order of Moraes. The governor voluntarily delivered two cell phones to the PF’s expertise. In the devices, copies of documents were found repudiating the attacks and asking for support from the National Force to protect the Three Powers Square.
36 calls were identified on January 7 and 8, 2023 indicating dialogue with police authorities.
The Federal Police also did not find evidence of data deleted on the phones of Ibaneis. “It has concluded that there are acts of Ibaneis Rocha Barros Júnior to change planning, undo orders from security forces authorities, omit information to higher authorities of the federal government, or even prevent the repression of the protesters’ advancement during vandalism and invasion acts,” the (Attorney General of the Republic Attorney) points out by Moraes.
In testimony, Ibaneis reported that he followed the security protocol. He said that the information he received from the Federal District Military Police was that the demonstration was peaceful and that, as soon as he learned of the riot, he requested support from the Army and the dismissal of, then Secretary of Public Security of the DF, for breach of confidence.
Moraes stressed the intense investigation. According to PGR’s request, Ibaneis was investigated until the “exhaustion of suitable investigative lines”.
Anderson Torres, Fernando de Sousa Oliveira and Fábio Augusto Vieira were reported. They were being investigated in the same inquiry that quoted Ibaneis.
On social network, the governor said he was “very happy with this news.” “I reinforce confidence in justice. It sometimes takes time, but it does not fail. I am Brazilian, lawyer and the first governor born in. I am sure that I always took care and I will always take care of my city, which I love so much. I will always defend democracy.”