The Supreme Court Minister (STF) Alexandre de Moraes Determined on Wednesday (5) the filing of an investigation that investigated the governor of the Federal District, Ibaneis Rocha (MDB), for alleged omission on January 8, when hundreds of people stormed the public buildings of the Praça dos Três Powers.
Moraes welcomed, Paulo Gonet, who, as he investigated the case, concluded that “exhausted viable steps and without another suitable investigative line, based on the elements of information produced so far, the reported facts do not reveal just cause capable of authorizing the continuation of criminal prosecution against Ibaneis Rocha Barros Júnior”.
Investigations conducted by the Federal Police (PF) included the removal of telephone and telematic secrecy and the seizure of electronic equipment. After analysis, no acts of Ibaneis Rocha were found to “change planning, undo orders from security forces authorities, omit information to higher authorities of the federal government or even prevent the repression of the protesters’ advancement during vandalism and invasion.”
The PF also found no evidence that data was erased from the governor’s cell phones, the Supreme Court said on Wednesday night.
Ibaneis Rocha was temporarily removed from office during the investigation. The governor voluntarily delivered two cell phones to the Federal Police expertise. In the devices were found copies of documents repudiating the attacks and asking for support from the National Force to protect the Praça dos Três Powers.