New dreams are missing to the PT – 05/03/2025 – Maria Hermínia Tavares

by Andrea

By saying goodbye to public life in 2024, the octagenary Ricardo Lagos, a socialist politician who presided over between 2000 and 2006, urged his countrymen to pursue new dreams. By this time, the concert of parties had already paralyzed by the front that had led the consolidation of the representative system, and raises Lagos to La Moneda. Similarly, its PPD (Party for Democracy), which had played an essential role in the transition, moved to irrelevance.

More than once, with some fatalism, he explained the political change that hit him – and to his companions – as the natural result of democratic political life: social achievements generated new demands – “new dreams,” he said, that the established leaders, by progressives they were, could not always discern or incarnate.

Lagos observation helps to frame the party of the 45th anniversary of President Lula’s party, the celebrations of the past prevailed on the proposals for the future. Only the same at the PT – Youtube Workers Party page, and in Lulaoficial profile posts, which records the president’s agenda on Instagram, now under the administration of Minister Sidônio Palmeira. Also the party’s intellectuals, once important in the public debate, seem to be collected from the comfort of their bubbles, where the entrance of ideas – where the new is born – is commodity and scarce.

Awakened by the shock of research that captures the moods of Brazilians, the head of government and the leaders of their subtitles finally recognized that society has changed and that innovative responses must be given to their demands. It is not enough that the forces sometimes in power compromise to repair the damage inflicted to the country during the

So far, however, the proposals, besides being rare, seem insufficient to clear the government. It seems that its main bet is to conquer the citizens-election by the pocket, with economic benefits-it is a tax viability to prove-such as the expansion of payroll loans to private sector workers and a. If accompanied by measures that redistribute more fairly the taxes on the gains, the second measure would represent undeniable advance.

But other equally important challenges are left out to give defined political features to the commitmentary’s commitment to equity in this new century. Facing them requires dealing with the trivial issue-of state efficiency in the provision of health, education and security for citizens; in finding rules that protect those who work, taking into account the diversity of employment situations; And last but not least, showing how the guarantee of basic franchises – starting from freedom of expression – and respect for the rules of democracy condition everything more.

If the left only has a beautiful past ahead, instead of dreams, the country will once again live the nightmare of the return to the government of the right and primitive right.

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