Manuel de Almeida/Lusa
The Prime Minister, Luís Montenegro (E), flanked by the Minister of Presidency, António Leitão Amaro (D), during the discussion of the PCP censorship motion.
“These elections are all that the country didn’t want and the parties themselves didn’t want to” – there is only one interested party. Government and opposition throw guilt, but “are everyone doing games”?
In just two weeks, a new political crisis hit the country. After rejecting two motions of censorship to the government, the prime minister proposed one, who should refer Portugal to the polls, a year after the legislatures that placed Luís Montenegro in power.
But what did you bring us here so fast?
Montenegro says he has no time to provide clarification, and the lack of answers about the company of which he was a partner until June 2022 and which began to belong to his wife and their children, is at the origin of the whole crisis.
“Luís Montenegro dragged the country for unwanted elections,” believes Pedro Marques Lopes.
But on the other hand, the PS “is playing between cowardice and cynicism”by not voting or presenting the motion of censorship and for wanting to “grill” Montenegro a little more, says Pedro Gomes Sanches in the comment space of SIC Notícias.
“To say that we created this crisis is the world on the contrary,” says socialist parliamentary leader Alexandra Leitão: confidence motion is a “provocative act” of the government, an opinion that echoes the rest of the party.
“The fault is exclusively of oppositions,” says Paulo Nuncio, CDS-PP parliamentary leader: they are “hungry” elections.
“The Socialist Party opted for long, permanent instability and the government’s wear and tear,” said Presidential Minister António Leitão Amaro yesterday.
In truth, “No one seems to be interested in the country”says the chronicler of Expresso: “It’s all people playing games … It’s pitiful.”
And, throws a “falsehood: the idea that politicians cannot have life before and after politics. This is not the case, ”he explains:“ This is about receiving profits while in politics… This does not happen in a vacuum ”.
“Next future is black”
“The country has watched a dramatic of the entire party political system, This is too violent and democracy begins to be in danger“, Warns SIC’s Director General of Information, Bernardo Ferrão.
If you win the PS and win the elections, “What happens to Pedro Nuno Santos? Maintains? ”He asks,“ It’s a situation that needs to be resolved within the PS ”. “What if Pedro Nuno wins the elections? How do you approve budgets? As the government program approves if it is the vote. ”
Strafish warns: “The Next future is blackvery complicated and of great block. ”
“From now on the true instability begins. These elections are all that the country did not want and the parties themselves did not want. The only truly interested is the arrival, which realizes that this whole environment is very conducive, ”he says.
In addition, the crisis that comes “will have effect on several fronts”: municipalities, for example, PSD candidates “will suffer in the campaign and results”; In the presidential, Gouveia and Melo is one of the few that can take advantage of, for positioning himself as an anti -partisan.