Of the 20 parties today with representation in the National Congress, only 5 never integrated the first echelon of any of the three governments of (PT), from 2003 to 2010 and from 2023 onwards.
Historical rival of the PT and its antagonist since the 1980s, the main one. Then come the center-right and the new center and the new oppositionist.
Of the remaining 15 parties, those who had the most ministries in Lula governments are the president’s own party, the PT, and the MDB (called PMDB until 2017). The two acronyms formed a partnership from 2004, broken in the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff, in 2016, and resumed in Lula 3.
Even the one was back there, years before the former president’s entry into his staff, a member of the Lula and Dilma governments, having controlled the Federal Government’s transport area.
In the years of the toucan Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995-2002), the support of his government was mainly due to the Trinca PSDB-PFL (today União Brasil) -MDB.
After Lula defeated the toucans in 2002 and assumed power the following year, he began his mandate supported only in the support of his own party and other smaller leftist acronyms such as PPS (today citizenship), PSB and PDT.
Already in 2004 Lula closed the negotiation to enter the government of part of the MDB, which had been the third largest party in number of elected federal deputies. When reelected in 2006, he reinforced the role of emedebists in the government, doubling from 3 to 6 the number of ministries of the subtitle. At the time, the emedebists had elected the largest bench for the House.
The search for the MDB was a necessity given that the other two heavyweight parties of the time, PSDB and PFL, were essentially opposed.
The relative calm of the second term renewed the PT-MDB partnership for Dilma Rousseff’s next term.
The petista was deputy one of the main leaders of the emedebistas, Michel Temer, and begins the government with six ministers of the party.
This did not prevent the deterioration of its relationship with Congress and the approach of impeachment, the main leaders of the movement were the MDB. In addition to the deputy Temer, the then mayor, Eduardo Cunha ,.
In the current Lula administration, the MDB commands three folders. Renan Filho is the Minister of Transport, an area that in Lula’s two previous terms was from PL. Simone Tebet is the holder of the planning, folder that in Lula 1 and 2 has always been from PT. Cities, former PP fiefdom, is with Jader Filho.
Unlike the first two governments, where he walked basically only alongside MDB and other left -wing parties, in present -day Lula had to greatly widen the range.
Today the ministers of other subtitles and without party binding add up to more than half of those affiliated with the PT, 26 to 11.
Among the allies are União Brasil, which has in its genesis the DEM, named after 2007 the PFL, Archirrival of the PT and originated in the arena, the Military Regime Party (1964-1985).
Others are the PSD of Gilberto Kassab (which emerged from a dissent of the DEM and other right acronyms), the PP, also of origin in the arena, and the Republicans, which is linked to the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God.
Already the small left parties that always were with Lula won the company, in 2023, from the network of Marina Silva, and PSOL, party created in 2004 from a dissent of the PT itself.
Brazil currently has 29 political parties ,. This G7 concentrates 80% of Congress chairs, 70% of state governments and billionaires, as well as being majority in municipalities, city councils and legislative assemblies.
Pull this group the Bolsonaro PL and Lula’s PT. Soon after, come União Brasil, PSD, MDB, PP and Republicans.
The PSDB, once a power, has been shrinkled at the polls in the last disputes and today.
Solidarity and new were created after Lula 2. The main leader of the first, unionist and federal deputy Paulo Pereira da Silva, is experiencing a relationship of ups and downs with the government. Currently, more than low.
“There are some who are talking ‘is landing.’ I never boarded,”
The party supported Lula’s candidacy, but then complained that it did not receive a participation space compatible with the commitment shown in the campaign.
The new is opposed to the PT. Already Avante (former B) has always moved into the sphere of the dwarfs and, therefore, did not attract the interest of the petistas.
The Somos (former PTN) of federal deputy Renata Abreu (SP), in turn, has grown, with 15 federal deputies and 4 senators today. The acronym has in its political framework of both opposition and of greater alignment to the government.