Impasse with Venezuela for Essequibo, exploration in the equatorial margin and integration of the countries of South America were highlights
The 1st Class of Trainees of Poder360 visited This Thursday (6.mar.2025) the embassy of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana in Brazil, in Brasilia, and participated in a conversation wheel with the ambassador Compton Bourne.
The ambassador stated that “Guyana is strong like Brazil ” and that has the country and the president (PT) to ensure peace in the region of Estaquibo.
Administered by Guyana, the 160,000 km² area represents 74% of the guidelines and has a strategic position with access to the Atlantic Ocean. It is claimed by the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro (United Socialist Party of Venezuela, left).
One forms of access to the region would be through the Brazilian roads, which cannot be done without authorization from the President of the Republic.
Bourne these do not consider the situation a territorial dispute, because the “The only one who disputes something is Venezuela”.
Already the Embassy’s advisor minister, Vernon Robinson, said Guyana has the intention of “increase” Relations with Brazil and Venezuela – that He said he hope “volte” to be a democracy for greater dialogue among all countries in South America.
Equatorial margin
The ambassador also stated that Brazil “It will explore the equatorial margin and will develop the northeast region of the country” As, according to him, it was made in Guyana.
Like the Poder360Guyana was the 1st to discover oil in the region, still in 2015, by the American. In these 8 years, there have been several other oil ads found with significant volumes.
In Brazil, the operation has been locked since last year, when technicians from (Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources) recommended to maintain the negative to issue an environmental license to pierce the well on site.
The area extends from Rio Grande do Norte and goes to Amapá and would have great potential for oil exploration.
O Poder360 On February 3, 2025 he began the trainees course in Journalism. Fifteen young professionals from various states participate in 3 -month training at the Digital Journal headquarters in Brasilia.
During the 3 months of course (from February to April), the 15 professionals will have classes on vital concepts of journalism practiced by this digital newspaper and will be trained according to the unique and synthetic style and impartiality that make the Absolute Leader in the coverage of power affairs.
The course has the institutional support and sponsorship of E.
The program aims to teach trainees how to cover the “lato sensu” power – or be, in a broad sense, not just about politics and government. There will be emphasis on relevant topics such as agribusiness, energy, infrastructure and health.