Justice officers spread across the country had to make a marathon to notify, in person and on paper, the by (Attorney General’s Office) on charges.
These professionals reported (Supreme Federal Court) difficulty in identifying the whereabouts of some accused with outdated addresses. The main case is that of the former presenter of the young Pan, who currently lives in the United States.
The minister, of the, sent on February 19 a letter of order to the Federal Court determining the “personal notification of the investigated to […] to offer prior response to the complaint within 15 days. “The notification would have to be made within 48 hours.
With the letter in hand and a document with the link for access to the judicial process, the bailiff Ana Célia da Silva left the headquarters of the Federal Court of Rio de Janeiro to look for Paulo Figueiredo on February 20.
Ana arrived at the address in Barra da Tijuca, appointed by the Supreme Charter, around 10:40 am. He touched the intercom of the house, waited a few seconds and was attended by an employee named Francisca.
“[Francisca disse] That on the spot would work the Black Pearl House and that was unaware of notifying, stressing that it would be common to confuse the address with Av. Lúcio Costa, 4000, “Ana said in a document sent to the STF.
The bailiff spent about 20 minutes to reach the right address.
The porter received her and said he did not know any Paulo Figueiredo in the building. A condominium administrator also told Ana that the journalist would be “former owner [do apartamento]with a last record of movement of it in 2012 “.
Paulo Figueiredo has been in the United States since 2015.
“I live in the same right place and known in the US for ten years. Knowledge including the judiciary that has already notified me here using Mlat [Acordo de Assistência Mútua, em português] last year, as it has to be, in a tax process, “he told Sheet.
He also said he intends to present the defense “when notified, but this has to be done in the form of the law.” “Any notification of who is in the US without following the Mlat or The Hague Convention is null,” he added.
Ana Célia had another attempt to notify one of the targets. Before looking for Paulo Figueiredo, she went at 10:10 am on February 20 to search the Federal Deputy (PL-RJ).
“I went to Avenue Alda Garrido, Barra da Tijuca, in this city, and, after traveling all over, I did not have found the number,” wrote the court officer.
She reported, in the document sent to the Supreme, that the avenue “has a partially regular numbering with odd numbers on one side, and pairs on the other side and the numbering would generally be growing, although jumping several numbers.”
Ramagem was notified in Brasilia, a city in which it resides since the beginning of the government ().
Ana Célia was not the only bailiff who unsuccessfully sought a PGR reported by the coup plot. On February 19, Paulo Gustavo Hundertmark went looking for Colonel Bernardo Correa Neto in Porto Alegre.
It turns out that the military was in Brasilia – with an electronic anklet, a precautionary measure determined by Moraes in the same process. The military number of the military was also outdated. Correa Neto was notified in the federal capital a day later.
Another curious case happened in Matozinhos (MG). The municipality’s Criminal Court sent a standard report of complaint from the State Public Prosecution Service, with a period of ten days for demonstration – a document with information other than those sent by Moraes.
The bailiff Flávia Linhares went to Marcelo Bormevet’s house, accused on suspicion of joining the so -called “Parallel Abin”, and took his signature on February 27.
The error was only noticed after the official notification. Flávia had to return to the accused’s house to rectify the information. “I certify and give faith that, considering that it was issued sent wrong, issued a warrant of notification again, as required in the Precatory Charter.”
Moraes gave 15 days for the accused to submit their defenses in the face of the PGR complaint about conspiracies by a coup at the end of 2022.
Time begins to be counted from the notification of the accused. The deadlines begin to end this week. Bolsonaro, Augusto Heleno and Mauro Cid, for example, has until Thursday (6) to present the defense; and Almir Garnier Santos were notified a day later and can send their allegations until Friday (7).