Radek Tesár
6. 3. 2025
3 minutes
Nowadays they are still popular home -made gadgets. One of them is home adhesive, which is easy to prepare and can save you money. We have a few effective tips for you how to make it easy to make.
Nowadays, the DIY gadgets are very popular (Do-it-Yourself, “make yourself”) that help us save money while bringing creative entertainment. One such gadgets is homemade paper glue, which you can make from the comfort of your home. We usually do not have ingredients for less absorbent materials at home, because they are often strong chemicals that are risky handling without expertise. Fortunately, there is an easier way to make the adhesive. The main character of our home adhesive is gelatin, and we will show you how to do it.
YouTube video about how to simply make your own glue at home can be found on the Life Hacktory channel:
Source: YouTube
How to make glue of gelatin
If you are a fan of DIY ideas, you will appreciate this homemade adhesive made of gelatin. It is simple, cheap and ideal for gluing paper, which makes it a perfect helper for creative projects such as the production of paper straws or various decorations. The main ingredients are gelatin, water, vinegar and glycerin. To prepare you will need one package of unwilling gelatin, four tablespoons of water (three should be boiling), one tablespoon of white vinegar and one teaspoon of glycerin.
The procedure is very simple. Start by let the gelatin swell in one tablespoon of cold water. Then add three tablespoons of boiling water, vinegar and glycerin. Mix well until everything dissolves. If you would like to speed up the process, you can briefly heat the mixture in a microwave (5 seconds) or in a pan on the stove. Once the adhesive is ready, keep it in a closed container. If the adhesive becomes stiff during storage, there is no need to panic. Just put the container under the hot water or warm it in the microwave without a lid for a while to make the adhesive become liquid again.
If you want to save your work, you can let the adhesive solidify directly in the pot or cup and simply cut it into pieces after solidification. Whenever you need it, just put a few pieces in the microwave, add a few drops of water and heat it for 5 seconds until it is drunk.
The advantages of glue from gelatin
The production of this domestic adhesive is really simple and is definitely worth a test, especially if you are looking for an ecological alternative to common commercial adhesives. It is made of natural ingredients such as gelatin, vinegar and glycerin, making it a safe choice for home use. In addition, it is harmless to health and bio, thus environmentally friendly. If you decide to try this home version, you will not only save money, but also contribute to nature conservation.
Sources: www.lookatwhatimade.net, www.snadnobydlet.cz