Monthly tarot horoscope. Tarot books have been used from distant times to connect with the message your deity sends you. There are two types of tarot books. 22 books come from the major arcana, and 56 represents the minor arca. In total, 78 books meant to reveal your divine truth. Books in the major arcana do not belong to any colors and mean more daily issues. In these books the great lessons, the great changes and the true development of human spirituality are hidden.
ARCANA Minora reveals everyday events. The books of this arc are divided into 4 colors: beats, cups, swords and pentagrams. Each color has 14 books: As – two – three – four – five – six – six – eight – nine – ten – valet – knight – queen – king.
March 2025 announces a rich one for all signs.
Tarot specialists will show below what messages mystical books have for each sign.
Tarot Horoscope March 2025 for Aries
3 swords, 8 cups, power
It is the moon ……, and your love affair is about to blossom. If you are alone, see if someone in your circle of friends, does not want more than just friendship. Maybe something beautiful out of here. If you have lived so far with the feeling that you do not deserve something, ready, come! You deserve more and you will receive more, when you give up the harmful energy that keeps you in place.
Which is the mantra of each sign for the next 20 years. Astrologer Raul Stoica: “Pluto is the engine of changes and transformations”
Tarot Horoscope March 2025 for Taurus
Queen of beats, 3 cups, star
This month will be one of beauty, pleasures and pampering. Dream beautifully and channel your energy into transforming dreams into reality. Books tell you that everything is possible. What would the ideal situation look like for you? What would you want to become real in your life? It acts according to the answers you will give yourself. It’s all up to you!
Tarot Tarot Horoscope 2025 for Gemini
10 beats, 2 beats, sword ace
You have assumed too much responsibility and you have even blamed you for something that is not 100% your problem. The time has come to tell the co -author in which you are. It does not make sense to hide under the press what you feel because, at one point, everything will jump in the air, and the damage can be much larger. An honest and direct dialogue can get you out of the mess. Or at least he will relax the situation, until the other party understands that he has some responsibility, like you.
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Tarot Horoscope March 2025 for Cancer
Cups Valet, Queen of Cups, Tower
Someone close to you needs your shoulder to cry. Don’t be afraid to be there for him. Your love and your way of being a smile on the face of people. Attention, you do not have to exaggerate and do on the clown! But just to listen and encourage them to tell them every step to free themselves. You are a good, confident, intelligent and wise person. You can help others see another perspective, another context. Sprinkle a little hope in the lives of the people around you. Then invite them to a party! Don’t spoil anyone!
More details, on the advice of Pă