The beast man left a girlfriend with rotting teeth: A crazy explanation! The turning point changed everything

by Andrea

Aggressive partner Ben Fitton He has exhibited his girlfriend hell for years, while constantly physically and mentally abused her. Hannah Mellor (32), however, said enough after sending her a shocking text message. , POLICE described the accused as one of the worst rapists in history.

Partner was constantly abusing her

Hannah revealed how she had experienced abuse from her former for years. According to the police, the accused sent thousands of messages and voice records to a woman. A young woman revealed that Although they often walked out during their relationship, it was just for her partner to scold. In her words, people often said he was prostitute and sells on the street. She also remembered several incidents that even caused her harm.

“We were sitting in the car and I said, ‘Ben, be honest with you and confess to everyone that you were a bisexual.’ Wasn’t happy with women, so it was the only way to me ripened up and threw up on me. My knee It fragmented up to the bone and I broke my head“she explained.

Although the police were summoned to the place, Hannah did not dare to tell the members what actually happened. “We quarreled, she ran out of me and fell ahead,” Ben said, while the young woman confirmed his words.

Hannah was taken to the hospital where had to undergo an X -ray examination and surgery. After dismissal, she had to walk on crutches for eight weeks, but the abuse did not stop. “He always dropped me out of bed and I was lying on the ground. He poured out a warm cup of tea several times a week. It got to the point where it was no longer a matter of one. I told myself there is no big problem, If he kills me because being dead is certainly better than living such a life“she said.

A woman further She explained that she even tried to marry her life after they traveled to Ben’s friend together. On the way to the toilet, she just walked around him and the rapist accused her of cheating on him.

“I threatened to kill everyone and pull off my sister’s cat out of my skin. Then he gave me a hand around my neck and started strangling me. I felt I fainted, Then he released the grip, I bite him in my hand and he let me go. Finally me turned, pushed forward and raped me“she said.

These Hannah’s experiences were extremely marked by. “I am a completely different person than before. Because I was not allowed personal hygiene, I wasn’t allowed to brush my teeth and now they look terrible“added. The man was supposed to make her teeth rot. He didn’t want to kiss someone else but his.

By a turning point was when he tried to remedy but Hannah wasn’t interested in. Because of this, he tried to blackmail her. “He threatened to me: ‘That’s pretty okay but I just want to tell you that I’m about 2 minutes from your son’s school, I have a knife and I’m going to get it to death. ” It changed all this. Do you with me what you want but don’t go after my baby, “she said, saying that immediately sent a report to the police that eventually arrested Bena.

Rapist was convicted of two cases of rape, throttle without the consequences of death and causing severe harm to health. In court in Manchester, England have imprisoned for 18 years. “It included all the terrible elements of domestic violence. It was physical, mental, emotional, sexual and worst example of control of pressure behavior I have seen. It is one of the most dangerous home rapists I have ever encountered, “said Commissioner Russ Clarke.


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