The advance of the “cryptogate” and the difficulties that the ultra -rightist Javier Milei to take off from the scam that brought millionaire benefits To its organizers, it takes the Argentine government to deepen its television vein. Just as in some programs, a Tertullian is silenced by turning off the microphone, the presidential spokesman, Manuel Adorni, made public the desire to shut up the impertinent questions of journalists in the press conferences at the headquarters of the Executive through a button. “I am looking for a scheme where people can decide who leaves and who stayslike a great journalistic brother. “Adorni, known for his aggressiveness, a feature that his superiors consider a virtue, to the point that he could present himself as a candidate in the October parliamentary elections, he also said that the government” thinks “in a new scheme where journalists who attend a meeting with Milei or the spokesman” can be chosen by the people. ” “Argentines of good”, As the ultra -right often say, they are “represented.”
Since Donald Trump He came to the White Housein Buenos Aires it acts by act reflected some of its decisions: the announcement of the Argentina’s retirement from the World Health Organization (WHO)the monothematic repudiation of climate change and an imaginary collectivism, the exasperation of institutional language. Days ago, the Republican tycoon delimited the journalistic action in the Oval Hall: not all professionals could ask him a question. Adorni set out to be bolder with the possibility of having a “MUTED buttonR “To put out the microphone to journalists who bother him.
The link between Milei and part of the press resents as the months of its management pass. The cataract of insults leaves his mouth every time a news is not to his liking. Those who do not applaud are professionals “Ensobrados”: They have allegedly received dirty money to attack him. The acquisition of Telefónica’s operation in Argentina by the Clarín Group, owner of the newspaper of greater circulation in this country, has caused presidential anger. If in 2024 he had exalted the role of monopolies during his first presentation in Davos, the possibility that Clarín, who already owns Telecom, controls 70% of the communications market, turned the capitalist anarco into an Adalid of the fight against monopolies and therefore threatens to stop the acquisition of Telefónica.
A sister in trouble
The general annoyance with the press has grown to the beat of the derivations of the $ Libra scandal. Carlos Pagni, the main political columnist of ´La Nación` And one of the whites of Milei’s fury, considered Thursday to “critpogate“It has become”In a depth pump“For the president.” An explosive parsimonious, which causes damage to the course of time. “
He recalled that in the United States a very broad investigation has been opened to determine “if in the launch of that currency there were fraudulent behaviors.” While experts consider that those harmed by the scam could not be economically compensated, those who represent them begin to rehearse variants to overcome that obstacle. $ Libra was in the events promoted in X by Milei on the grounds that this digital asset would be beneficial for the Argentine economy. Therefore, Pagni argues, “the initiative acquired an official character that would allow, consummated failure, claim The compensation to the treasure. “
The exterctulian and his sister Karina, general secretary of the Presidency, are under the sight of Federal Justice under 111 complaints that are mostly in the hands of magistrate María Servini de Cubría.
According to the online policy portal, in the government they analyze at this point Karina Milei as a candidate for deputy in October to obtain in December the parliamentary fueros to arm it in the face of possible judicial problems. Known as “the boss”, for the power he has accumulated in the government, Karina Milei has just been denounced by the opposition civic coalition for influence peddling. They are convinced that she is the “collector” of funds for the financing of Libertad Avanza, the Government Party, throughout the Argentine territory.