While from history we know the stone, bronze and so on, the current one with a little exaggeration could be called the packaging era. But all those packaging and other relative useless things end up in landfills. This is what the new EU rules are fighting against.
Certainly you also got a package in a huge box and you didn’t know what it was. If you remember, you only ordered a shaver and not a vacuum cleaner with all accessories. Right – the brain does not stare you, in a box in which the Bernese Mountain Dog would set up without any problems, is really hidden the small device, and then a lot of polystyrene, inflated pockets, bubble foil – just everything that is wonderful in landfill. This is one of the reasons that led to the acquisition of new rules.
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To the fight against unnecessary layers
The aim of the European Union is to reduce the waste of material in gradual steps by 2030 as much as possible, which eventually ends up in landfills. These are unnecessarily large packaging, as has already been indicated, but also a completely nonsensical double package, where one layer is even an ordinary paper box, wrapped in another already printed. Why should we require manufacturers’ approach? It’s unnecessary, as most of us will surely acknowledge.
Pets and cans in the EU viewfinder
Another condition that Member States – even by 2026 – must meet at least eighty percent sorting PET bottles and cans from drinks. It will not be easy and we have to engage in a new approach to nature protection and our own environment ourselves. In the Czech Republic (and not only here), the backup of PET bottles is helped. But that’s not all yet.
Why pack vegetables?
In an effort to limit the production as much as possible and, above all, the necessary necessary disposal of plastic packaging, in a few years we should not be able to buy fresh vegetables in plastic boxes and other packaging. In most cases it is not necessary – perhaps only Cherry tomatoes will be a little running around the store, but we will surely deal with it.
More packaging than content?
Likewise, we will see the end of unnecessarily small packages, which we know in the case of coffee cream. There is no problem pouring a little cream from a larger package, as we will soon find out. The hotels will have more maid work because the end of small packs of cosmetics will come. It will now be necessary to use classic larger volumes and spill them, for example, into glass containers.
It depends on every micrometer
If you do not have a supply of repeatedly usable bags and shopping bags, you should start working on the axle. Also, bags and bags with a thickness of up to 15 microns will disappear from the world. These are both classic “microteňáky” and common small transparent bags, which we get for a small amount for smaller purchase and usually use them to transfer a few things home.
Own boxes for a restaurant
Do you go to a restaurant or fast food for lunch and carry it home in a box? They also want to stop the new rules, and the restaurants will have to accept your wishes so that the chef ordered food to put your food in the brought container. Many will appreciate it very much, others will soon get used to it.
It’s not small numbers
Does it seem unnecessary, as exaggerated, or even as bullying manufacturers or customers? Let’s look at it with a different look. Experts calculated that the more consistent packaging packages delivered by parcels would save half a million vans in our country only in our country. How much it is in the result of pollutants, discharged into the air, perhaps not even want to know.
Over a quarter of a ton per person
Do we even have an idea of how much waste we produce, even due to the packaging materials that manufacturers buy precisely because of us, customers? On average, according to information from the Ministry of the Environment and the Czech Statistical Office for one Czech per year 269 kilograms of so -called mixed municipal waste, which for now ends mostly in landfills.
It is really time to think
In addition to this we have to add 33 kg of sorted paper, 28 kg of plastic, 18 kg of glass, 96 kg of bio -waste, 64 kg of bulky waste, and even 4 kg of residues that are included in the dangerous waste category. If we wanted to get the information for the whole country, we would get in the total total of 5.9 million tonnes of municipal waste. This is not really enough and it is necessary to start thinking differently. Otherwise, nature would soon cease to store waste. We could hardly look at the eyes of generations that will be here in a few decades and hundreds.
Sources: www.seznamzpravy.cz, www.mzp.cz, environment.ec.europa.eu