The government revealed (unintentionally) its plan to manage the crisis, step by step

by Andrea
The government revealed (unintentionally) its plan to manage the crisis, step by step

Manuel de Almeida/Lusa

The government revealed (unintentionally) its plan to manage the crisis, step by step

The Prime Minister, Luís Montenegro (E), talks with the Minister of Presidency, António Leitão Amaro (D), during the discussion of the Motion of Censorship of the PCP to the XXIV Constitutional Government, in the Assembly of the Republic.

Delivery of answers to parties today, interviewing 3 TVs tomorrow or Monday, “water that unites”: Leitão Amaro accidentally showed the draft of the government plan for the coming days.

Conversation with the Prime Minister, during the debate of the censorship motion in Parliament-who was rejected-the presidency minister seemed to try to hide his lips from the chambers, so that he did not realize what he was saying, but inadvertently revealed much more than what he wanted.

António Leitão Amaro covered his face with a role that contained the preliminary government plan to manage the new political crisis Which expects Portugal, after Luís Montenegro of one who, to be rejected – that should be – will take the country to early elections.

The minister was photographed “at the time H” holding the leaf, which quickly began to circulate on social networks. This Thursday, confirmed it with sources of the government the veracity of the document, although it is speculated that it is a provisional sketch, subject to any changes.

Manuel de Almeida/Lusa

The government revealed (unintentionally) its plan to manage the crisis, step by step

The draft Leitão Amaro held to cover the conversation with Montenegro reveals the next steps of the executive

The content of the plan reveals, by high, some of the communication strategies that the government intends to follow on the following days at 7 points where it reads:

4th Fair [5 de março]: “Motion Debate” and “Ministers TV”;

Thursday [6 de março]: “Deliver answers to parties”;

Friday [7 de março]: “CM [Conselho de Ministros] measures ”;

6th/Monday [7/10 de março]: “PM interview 3 TVs”;

And finally, for next week: “Debate Motion of Trust.”

Some points are confirmed (as is the case of the Council of Ministers that will take place at 10 am on Friday. Others are annotations of the Minister of Presidency and things that could be part of the plan, but who did not follownamely the interview with the three televisions (possibly RTP, SIC and TVI), tells the source of the Executive to SIC.

According to the document, Luís Montenegro-which has been constantly for the opposition of “flying” fundamental questions about the case that, in just two weeks, pushed the country to a political crisis-delivers answers to parties this Thursday.

The document also seems to refer to the measures to be discussed in the Council of Ministers: “water that unites”, infrastructure and civil protection.

The censorship motion presented by the PCP on Wednesday was rejected, with the votes against the PSD, CDs and IL, the abstention of the PS and arrives and the votes in favor of the PCP, Livre, Be and Pan.

PS Secretary-General Pedro Nuno Santos has already announced that the main opposition party will bump into the motion of trust, which will drop the government. In this scenario, it is Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa who decides if there will be elections. The President of the Republic pointed to Wednesday a probable date for the trip to the early polls: “between May 11 and 18 ”.

This Thursday, Montenegro stressed that the “desirable” was that there was no “a political disturbance” in the country; Marcelo also spoke and said he wants the political uncertainty “reduced to the least”.

Tomás Guimarães, Zap //

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