Created in the 1940s by Getúlio Vargas, the “S System” entities have, in theory, a. Present in all states of the Federation,, Senac, Sesi, Senai, Sebrae, Senar, Sescoop, Sest and Senat have a duty to prepare the population for the job market by offering free courses and qualification, something increasingly important in the current scenario of technological innovations.
As a counterpart, it allows these entities to collect, via federal revenue, billions of reais in taxes of companies, in addition to receiving public resources through transfers and agreements of ministries, such as the Ministry of Education. The amount is expressive, and in 2024 the entities received R $ 29 billion only in revenue, not to mention other transfers. Comparatively, in 2024 the National Education Development Fund (FNDE) received R $ 32 billion.
Despite the importance of their activities and quantity of public resources received, these entities still have much to advance transparency and accountability. According to economist Bruno Carazza, “System S has an important role in Brazilian society, but without transparency it is quite difficult to evaluate the return of programs developed by their entities regarding their cost, which is high and burden the payroll of companies.” The expert also states that: “As these expenses are difficult to monitor by society, there is a high risk of deviations from resources and overpricing.”
In fact, since 2016 the Federal Court of Audit (TCU) has been successively encouraging problems and determining improvements in the transparency of these entities, from the creation of centralized transparency and transparency pages () and the publication of selection process information () to the availability of readable documents on their sites ().
In 2024, audit identified the existence of more than 110 contracts of supplier companies whose partners were managers or employees of the entities, as well as situations of nepotism and lack of transparency (). More recently, the Federal Supreme Court, by decision of Minister Flávio Dino,: Like the other agents who receive public resources, the remuneration of employees and System leaders also needs to be public and easily accessible to the general population.
If the “operational transparency” still stumbles, the situation of transparency of the “end activity” of the S system is even more complex: there is no currently a “transparency portal” dedicated to centralizing information on the amount of scholarships and courses offered, trained students, qualified workers and cities served by these institutions. As those who do not measure, in the absence of clear methodologies and uniform and affordable indicators, there is no way to provide quality public policies.
Even if well -intentioned, the lack of transparency prevents the population from knowing whether actions, projects and programs executed by the S System effectively meet the purpose for which they were created. Urgently and necessary, the federal government and entities can and should take action to reverse this picture, making it clear that society’s confidence by attributing to the system S its important mission is deserved. Only then will it be possible to reverse the “Black Box” Pecha before society.
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