They are called “null” and are always having problems on computers. Yes, they are people

by Andrea
They are called "null" and are always having problems on computers. Yes, they are people

// Geekta; Igorvetushko / Depositphotos

They are called "null" and are always having problems on computers. Yes, they are people

There is nothing to see here – is the message of a computer when a null field appears. But when it is someone’s name …

When the language of computers, computer systems is spoken, the “null” It is used to represent an absent or indefinite value. There is nothing there.

It is a sign that a variable or object has no valid or useful value. In programming, it is often used to start variables but when there is no data to assign them yet. It’s not the same as zero, beware.

“There is nothing to see here” – is the message of a computer when a “null” field appears.

But What if “null” is the name of someone…? Impossible? No.

There is a designer in the USA called Nontra Null. He told herself, when trying to ask for a visa to go to India, the marriage of a friend, in the consulate they said that whenever Your request gave error there on computers.

Could. He had even mentalized that he was not even going to such a marriage. But by chance, the document arrived, even on the eve of the wedding.

Jan Nullmeteorologist, already has a trick: adds j to null When you make online reservations to sleep in hotels, in the field of your name. Otherwise, I never got the reserve.

In another context, Joseph tartaro received over the years fines, Coming from all over the country, when he had not done anything irregular. Detail: In your registration It is written there “NULL”.

That is, when it is filling the field of enrollment in the police system (whatever the reason), it is the one who receives the fines. It will have a lot of work when responding to each case sent by the authorities.

“My wife is that you don’t find any joke”confessed Tartaro.

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