TJ-PB will spend $ 234 million to judges for “accumulation of collection”

by Andrea

According to the court decision, payment will be retroactive to 2015; average ticket per judge is R $ 900 thousand

O (Paraíba Court) will spend R $ 234 million on the payment of the so -called “indemnity for accumulation of collection” to active and retirees judges. The term is used to define the extra payment to judges who assume cases left by other magistrates for retirement, death or vacancy.

The court’s decision was taken after an action of AMPB (Paraíba Magistrates Association) filed a lawsuit asking for the payment to be retroactive.

The court ruled at the end of February that the action was correct. Therefore, the payment will be made for the period from January 2015 until April 2022.

The benefit was paid to federal judges in 2015. The measure was regulated in 2020 by the National Council of Justice (CNJ). Paraíba only implemented in 2022. Still, AMPB ordered the retroactivity.

The indemnity for collection accumulation is treated as “pendurical”. The measure was approved by the on the grounds that it would compensate for increased workload to judges.

In total, at least 117 active and retired judges benefited. THE Poder360 had access to the spreadsheet with payments. On average, R $ 900 thousand will be paid. The highest value is R $ 956 thousand.

CNJ Authorization

The payment, however, has not yet been released. According to AMPB, it is necessary that the CNJ, which regulates the activity of judges, give the permission.

“Effectiveness depends on authorization from the CNJ and the financial availability of the TJPB, which always acts with balance and fiscal responsibility,” the entity, in a statement to Poder360.

The CNJ was sought, but did not respond to payment information requests. The space remains open.

The TJ-PB was also sought, but did not respond to requests for positioning.

Here’s the full note of AMPB

The Association of Magistrates of Paraíba (AMPB) clarifies that the decision of the Presidency of the Court of Paraíba (TJPB), on 02/18/2025, only recognizes a right that should have been secured since 2015, as provided for in federal laws 13.093/2015, 13.094/2015, 13.095/2015 and 13.096/2015 that secured the right to gratification by gratification Accumulation of procedural collection to the Union’s judiciary. The Federal Supreme Court (STF) has always reaffirmed the uniqueness of the judiciary and the National Council of Justice (CNJ), through recommendation 75/2020, determined the extent of the right to state judiciary, correcting the previous omission.

Administrative recognition covers active and retired magistrates who acted between 15/01/2015 and 30/04/2022 with accumulation of collection without proper compensation. However, no payment has been made so far, as the implementation depends on authorization from the CNJ and the financial availability of the TJPB, which always acts with balance and fiscal responsibility.

Finally, all administrative acts rigorously follow the legislation and guidelines of the CNJ, and the process has always been accessible to the public, reaffirming the commitment of AMPB and TJPB to transparency.

Yours sincerely,
Paraíba Magistrates Association (AMPB)

Above the ceiling

Judges and judges of state, federal, electoral, work and councils monthly gross wages over R $ 100 thousand at least 63,816 times in 2024according to data on paychecks available in the do (National Council of Justice).

These amounts were paid because, in addition to salaries, some judiciary employees receive indemnities, eventual rights and various aid. These so -called penduricals allowed in 2024 for monthly remuneration to reach values ​​of more than $ 1 million in 28 cases.

It is common in Brasilia that civil servants refer to net values ​​to talk about how much they earn – that is, what falls into the bank account after tax payments and other charges. For the state (as well as in private companies), what counts is the total amount disbursed.

But even when considering the net salary Received by members of the judiciary, the number of payments over R $ 100,000 is expressive 35,483. This is due to social security discounts, income tax and eventual retention of values ​​when the amounts do not fit the constitutional rules.

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